One of Pokemon GO's bulkiest Normal-type Pokemon, Snorlax, is currently a 3-star raid boss that players can battle for a chance to capture it. However, as a Normal-type Pokemon, Snorlax doesn't have many weaknesses and can sustain a considerable amount of damage.
When taking on Snorlax in a raid situation in Pokemon GO, its raid boss boost can be tricky to overcome. However, by utilizing the sleeping Pokemon's sole elemental counter, trainers can still defeat it soundly with plenty of time left on the raid clock.
Bring in a few fellow trainers exploiting Snorlax's same weakness, and players will receive extra Premier Balls to catch it after the fact.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Pokemon GO: Top counters to defeat Snorlax

Snorlax's primary weakness, much like it was in the original Pokemon series, is Fighting-type moves and Pokemon in Pokemon GO.
The better the Pokemon's stats and CP, the higher damage they can deal to a raid-boosted Snorlax. With enough sustained super-effective damage, even a bulky Pokemon like Snorlax should fall relatively quickly.
Below, Pokemon GO trainers can find a list of Pokemon that effectively counter Snorlax both in raids and in PvP situations.
Top Fighting-type Snorlax Counters
- Mega Lopunny
- Lucario
- Conkeldurr
- Mega Gengar
- Machamp
- Breloom
- Terrakion
- Pirouette Meloetta
- Hariyama
- Blaziken
- Sirfetch'd
- Emboar
- Toxicroak
- Heracross
- Bewear
When it comes to Fast and Charged Moves in Pokemon GO, there are certain moves that are worth prioritizing over others.
Many of these moves are optimized for damage and energy gain, allowing players to unleash Charged Moves more often on Snorlax and rapidly depleting its huge health pool:
Fast Moves
- Low Kick (Fighting-type)
- Counter (Fighting-type)
- Karate Chop (Fighting-type)
Charged Moves
- Aura Sphere (Fighting-type) (Lucario only)
- Focus Blast (Fighting-type)
- Dynamic Punch (Fighting-type)
- Close Combat (Fighting-type)
- Superpower (Fighting-type)
In addition to picking the right counters to Snorlax in the raid battle, trainers will want to stock up on vital items.
Specifically, trainers will want to keep a healthy supply of Max Potions as well as Max Revives and even ordinary Revives. Ideally, having a large amount of healing and revival items of nearly any type should keep players' Pokemon teams in top form.
Few things are more frustrating than losing your primary battle party and having to rely on weaker backup Pokemon from your roster.
With enough determination and trainers with high CP/stat Fighting-type Pokemon, Snorlax shouldn't be too difficult to overcome. As a 3-star raid boss, it doesn't receive as massive of a boost to its stats as 5-star or Mega Raid Bosses.
If trainers finish Snorlax quickly, they'll receive additional items for the capture encounter, including Premier Balls and potentially berries to assist in the catching effort.
Before trainers know it, they should have a particularly powerful Snorlax in their roster to use as they see fit.
Additionally, if players have raid passes to spend, they can even repeat the raid battle to attempt to maximize the IVs of the Snorlax they catch.
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