Despite being less popular than starters like Charmander and Treecko, Chespin has a fair share of fans in the Pokemon GO community. Originating from the Kalos region, Chespin is one of the creatures (along with Froakie and Fennekin) that new trainers in Pokemon X and Y can choose from when starting their journey.
Since it evolves into one of the few Grass and Fighting-types the franchise has to offer, Chespin has the potential to become a good, albeit niche, pick for the mobile game's competitive scene. However, some trainers may not be satisfied with just having access to Chespin and its evolution.
With the new year finally upon us, Niantic has released details regarding when players can find a Shiny Chespin. Shiny Pokemon are variations of a creature that sport the same stats but have a different color scheme, and Shiny Chespin will be available to catch during the Chespin Community Day event starting on January 7. Much like every other Community Day, this event aims to bring the creature back into relevancy.
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Everything to know about Shiny Chespin's Pokemon GO debut

Players who manage to catch a Chesnaught or evolve one during the event will receive the exclusive Frenzy Plant attack. This is the ultimate Grass-type attack in Pokemon GO that almost every Grass-type starter Pokemon in the game has access to, thanks to their respective Community Day events.
Not only will Chespin's Community Day mark the debut of Shiny Chespin, but players who participate will have an increased chance of finding one. Collectors look forward to these occasions because of a heightened shiny chance, and Niantic appears to be continuing this tradition.
Players can also choose to spend a small amount of money to get access to a series of event-exclusive missions. These tasks can be completed to earn rewards that will be useful to catch an abundance of Chespin during the Community Day and evolve it into a Chesnaught.
Players can now also purchase these special research tickets for their friends. They can do this from Pokemon GO's in-game shop by selecting the new 'Gift' option instead of the usual 'Buy' option.
A new concept introduced in 2022, players will also be able to challenge Community Day Raid Bosses in Pokemon GO. In January, players will be able to take on Quilladin, Chespin's middle-stage evolution. Defeating one will grant an increased spawn rate of Chespin around the location at which it was defeated.
In summary, Shiny Chespin will debut on January 7 at 2 pm local time, marking the arrival of the month's Community Day event. Players who are fortunate enough will be able to catch a Shiny Chespin in the wild, and those who manage to evolve one all the way will be granted a Chesnaught with access to the exclusive move Frenzy Plant.
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