The Spring into Spring event is making a comeback in Pokemon GO this year.
In 2021, fans were thankful for the event that sent Eevee and Pikachu with flower crowns into the wild. Fortunately, the flower crowns are returning, as well as some new Pokemon to catch, one of which is from the Alola region.
New event features debut of Alolan Pokemon
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
The Spring into Spring event will begin on Tuesday, April 12 at 10.00 AM local time. It will last until Monday, April 18, to 10.00 PM local time.
Three new Pokemon will be getting flower crowns for this event: Togetic, Togekiss and Lopunny. The lattermost was featured in the 2021 Spring into Spring event, with Mega Lopunny being in Raids.
The biggest attraction from this event, though, will be the debut of Tapu Bulu, one of the four guardians of the Alola region. Tapu Bulu guards Ula’ula Island, which is the third island players find on their playthroughs in Generation VII. It’s also home to Mount Lanikilla and the Elite Four. Tapu Bulu will be a Tier 5 Raid boss.
Bonuses for the event will include double Hatch Candy, and Eggs will only need half the distance to be hatched. On top of that, Lucky Eggs will be active for twice as long, and Team GO Rocket Grunts will be showing up with Shadow Whismur and Shadow Exeggcute more often.

Speaking of Exeggcute, it will be featured in a Limited Research day on Saturday, April 16 from 11.00 AM to 2.00 PM. Shiny Exeggcute has a chance of popping up here, and it will be able to evolve into Alolan Exeggutor.
Whereas the usual Exeggutor is Grass/Psychic-type, its Alolan version is actually Grass/Dragon-type. If Exeggcute is evolved into Alolan Exeggutor during the event, it will have access to Draco Meteor, the most powerful Dragon-type move in existence.
Several other Grass-types will be showing up in the wild during the event. They are as follows:
- Bulbasaur
- Oddish
- Paras
- Bellsprout
- Tangela
- Chikorita
- Sunkern
- Treecko
- Seedot
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