With 2022 coming to a close, Niantic has already started announcing their plans for Pokemon GO in the coming year. From what has been revealed so far, Niantic will be opening with the first Community Day of the year that will feature the first of the Kalos region's starter Pokemon, the Grass-type Chespin.
Niantic has confirmed that January's Community Day featuring Chespin will take place on January 7 at 2 pm local time. This event will also mark the debut of Chespin's shiny form in Pokemon GO and will grant the trademark bonus of an increased encounter rate for the variant.
If trainers are able to evolve Chespin into Quiladin and then Chesnaught during the event (or five hours after it ends), they'll receive a Chesnaught that has access to a Charged Attack called Frenzy Plant. This move has 100 power and can be used in Trainer Battles, Gyms, and Raids.
Given Niantic's notoriety regarding the release of various shiny forms in Pokemon GO long after their debut in the mobile game, many players are looking forward to finding a Shiny Chespin.
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Shiny Chespin in Pokemon GO: MIA or on the way?

Players are currently unable to catch a Shiny Chespin in Pokemon GO. This means they'll need to wait until the January Community Day event in order to get their hands on this rare variety of the Grass-type starter. Here's what players should know if they want to catch a Shiny Chespin during the event.
On January 7, 2023, Quilladin will appear as a boss in 4-Star Raid battles. After trainers take down Quilladin, Chespin will spawn around that particular Gym for the next 30 minutes. The event will also grant Chesnaught (Chespin's final evolution) access to the special move Frenzy Plant. Players who manage to evolve a Chespin or Quilladin to its final form will be given the exclusive Charged Attack automatically.
When the event beings, players may find themselves in need of an extra boost to find the Shiny Chespin they are hunting for. Thankfully, there are many ways they can theoretically decrease the time it takes for a Shiny Chespin to spawn.
The weather plays a huge role in determining what Pokemon spawn in any area in Pokemon GO. The Weather Boost mechanic is something that many players may already be familiar with. Since Chespin is a pure Grass-type, it receives a Weather Boost that increases its spawn rate in sunny weather.
The use of items like Incenses and Lure Modules also greatly increases the general spawn rate of the area while also setting up patrol routes for players. These items can be purchased at Pokemon GO's in-game shop and can also be found in Pokestops and Gyms.
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