Pokemon Scarlet and Violet consist of brand-new Paldean variants. These creatures are regional variants that offer different types and aesthetics to an already existing Pokemon. Among these new pocket monsters are Paldean Woopers, cute fish-like Pokemon that originally lived underwater.
After losing in a struggle for their territory, they started living on land. To survive, they started coating themselves in poison, which is why the Paldean Woopers are poison/ground-type Pokemon.
Whether gamers are interested in catching one of these creatures for its cuteness and cuddliness or because of its elusive poison/ground-typing, this article will cover how to capture it.
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Catching Paldean Wooper in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
The Paldean Wooper may be a bit difficult to acquire in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. It can be found on the southern part of the map, which you get access to quite early on in the game.
This Pokemon can be spotted near water bodies like ponds, rivers, and wetlands. You may also find a Paldean Wooper in the water, but to do that you will need to learn the Swim skill first. As this Pokemon is quite rare to encounter, it might take you a while before you find it.
As a poison/ground-type Pokemon, the Paldean Wooper is weak against water-type creatures, mostly due to its ground element. You can use a water-type pocket monster to gain an advantage against the Paldean Wooper.
If you don't want to win the battle easily, you can use a Fairy-type Pokemon or a low-level Pokemon. This will allow you to whittle down its health bar slowly while maintaining your own health. Once the Paldean Wooper’s health bar is low and in the red, you can throw a Pokeball to capture it.
The Pokemon comes with basic moves like Tail Whip, Mud Shot, and Tackle. Water Absorb is one of its more prominent skills, as it lets the creature restore its health after being hit by a water-based attack.
Evolving Paldean Wooper into Clodsire

The Paldean Wooper evolves into Clodsire, a variant of the Quagsire. The creature looks very different from Quagsire and retains the poison/ground type attribute of Wooper.
Evolving Paldean Wooper is pretty straightforward in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. It does not require any evolution item or trading. The player simply needs to raise its level to 20. It's also worth mentioning that Clodsire can be found around Paldea and captured.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are the newest additions to the Pokemon franchise. They feature two new legendary entities, an entirely open world for players to explore with their pocket-monster companions and friends, three storylines, and an entirely new generation of Pokemon.
The titles were released worldwide only two days ago and are available on the Nintendo Switch. If one owns the handheld console and is a fan of the franchise, the new games might be worth considering.
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