Tofu is an ingredient used in some Pokemon Scarlet and Violet sandwich recipes. The problem is that obtaining this item is deceptively unintuitive. For starters, only one location has this item. Trainers must also have received at least five Gym Badges to be allowed to purchase this ingredient. Players who fulfill that condition can visit the Aquiesta Supermarket in Levencia.
This store has several sandwich-related items on sale. Tofu costs ₽260 each, so buy as many as you'd like. This item is notably used in easy-to-create Sparkling Power sandwiches for players seeking a Shiny Normal-type. Although there are alternate recipes, it's best to stick with this ingredient and two Herba Mystica for simplicity's sake.
Tofu location in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Sandwich ingredient guide

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Fly to the northern Pokemon Center in Levencia and head south to the Aquiesta Supermarket. If you zoom in on your map, you should see several store icons pop up. The spot shown in the above image is the exact location that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Trainers must visit.
If you're having trouble locating this store, the following image should help you out.

If you see two NPCs briefly discussing Paralyze Heals and forgetting about them, you're in the right place. Enter the store to purchase the sandwich ingredients that sparked your visit here.
Note: If you do not have five Gym Badges yet, then you need to defeat some Gym Leaders in order for Tofu to spawn. Otherwise, this ingredient is unobtainable via normal repeatable means.

If you have all the Gym Badges in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you should spot Tofu near the bottom, in-between Wasabi and Horseradish. Buy as many of these ingredients as you'd like. If you ever need more Tofu or other sandwich-related items, remember to visit Aquiesta Supermarket in Levencia.
Now, it's time to put those ingredients to good use.
Good sandwich recipes that involve Tofu in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

If you want to make the best Sparkling Power Lv. 3 sandwich for Shiny-Hunting Normal-types in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, then use the following ingredients:
- 1x Tofu
- 1x Salty Herba Mystica
- 1x Spicy Herba Mystica
The above recipe would give you Lv. 3 in Sparkling Power, Title Power, and Encounter Power for Normal-types. You can change the Herba Mysticas as you see fit for different results.
For example, all of the following have Sparkling Power and Title Power, but the third power-up will be different based on the chosen Herba Mysticas. In this case, Bitter Herba Mystica is constant while the other one changes to demonstrate some different effects:
- Bitter + Spicy = Item Drop Power
- Bitter + Salty = Exp. Point Power
- Bitter + Sour = Teensy Power
- Bitter + Sweet = Egg Power
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Trainers should use Cecil Bowen's sandwich simulator to determine more potential recipes that might interest them.
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