Waterfall is one of several TMs that double as a Hidden Move in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
While trainers can teach these Hidden Moves in their TM form to their Pokemon partners, it is no longer necessary to be usable outside of battle. HMs are now loaded into the Poketch.
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Once you need to use an HM, you will call upon a wild Pokemon to complete a task for you. In this case, it will have one ride up a Waterfall with you on its back. You need to find Jasmine in Sunyshore City.
How to get Waterfall in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Waterfall is listed as TM 99 in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Being such a high number only makes sense for it to be one of the last Hidden Moves you will receive in the game.
To get your hands on it, you need to beat Volkner. Volkner is the Electric-type Gym Leader in Sunyshore City. This is the eighth and final Gym on your journey to becoming Pokemon Champion.

After you've defeated Volkner and earned the Beacon Badge, exit his gym and go north. Follow the path to the Sunyshore City beach. You'll find Jasmine, a Gym Leader from the Johto region, waiting.
She'll be there before you defeat Volkner but won't give you the Waterfall TM until you are victorious. Speak to her and she'll explain Waterfall and give you a few of its TMs.
This will also register it to the Hidden Moves section of your Poketch. You need to have the eighth gym badge to use outside of battle to avoid any issues obtaining it and waiting.

Now that you have the Waterfall HM registered, press A whenever you are surfing and come to a waterfall. This will activate the HM and you will climb the waterfall.
This is an important HM, as you will need it to get through Victory Road and reach the Elite Four. That is where you will be genuinely tested to see if you have what it takes to become the Champion in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
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