Which starter Pokemon is right for you based on your Star Sign?

Sprigatito, Charmander, and Mudkip are seen against a backdrop of the Zodiac.
The personalities of starter Pokemon line up quite nicely with a player's Zodiac Sign (Image via The Pokemon Company)

The Pokemon series' roster of starter creatures now extends to nine total generations, and each Pocket Monster has its own distinct behavior and personality. Since this is the case, it may not be too much of a stretch to think that these species are capable of matching up rather nicely with a given fan's Star Sign as depicted in modern astrology.


Current-day astrology sees individuals being matched with one of 12 different Star Signs based on their birth date and the position of celestial bodies in relation to Earth during that time. Some believe that a person's sign can help represent their personality and behavior to a certain extent.

For a bit of fun, let's take a dive into each Star Sign and match a suitable starter Pocket Monster to each one using creatures from any of the nine game generations.

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Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer

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Which starter Pokemon fits a player's Star Sign using all current game generations?

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) - Pikachu

Pikachu is a starter that undoubtedly represents independence and idealism (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Pikachu is a starter that undoubtedly represents independence and idealism (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Pikachu may not be considered a starter Pokemon to some players. However, it was the starter for the Yellow Version on the Game Boy Color in Generation I.


Pikachu was the first starter in the mainline series to refuse to reside in its Poke Ball, which is a testament to its individuality and desire to go its own way. The Aquarius Star Sign is a unique one in the Zodiac. It is believed to be emblematic of independence and running against the grain of authority.

The Pikachu starter of Pokemon Yellow undoubtedly bucks the status quo and follows its own path along with its trainer.


Aries (March 21 to April 19) - Scorbunny

Scorbunny and its evolutions are born competitors in the Pokemon series (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Scorbunny and its evolutions are born competitors in the Pokemon series (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Aries is considered a very competitive aspect of the modern Zodiac. These individuals push to be the best at whatever they do while emboldening features like courage, optimism, and confidence. When it comes to starter Pokemon, it's hard not to see this kind of personality match up with the Fire-type Scorbunny from the Galar region.


Scorbunny, and especially its final evolution Cinderace, is deeply competitive and self-assured in its skills. Kicking rocks and pebbles and turning them into fireballs, Scorbunny and its evolutions are fierce and determined. They are always pushing themselves and refining their skills to be number one.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22) - Charmander

Charmander is a starter that makes no secret about its emotions (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Charmander is a starter that makes no secret about its emotions (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Individuals born under the Cancer Star Sign are said to have a tendency to be emotional, oftentimes swinging between loving and caring to having a fiery temper. However, they aren't known to keep their emotions secret and can also be quite loyal according to astrology, which lines up quite nicely with the Generation I Fire-type starter Charmander.


Charmander's disposition is often reliant on its mood and how its trainer responds to it. The flame on its tail ebbs and subsides based on its current mood, which is plain to see. Whatever Charmander does, it does so passionately, and this only intensifies as it evolves into Charmeleon and Charizard.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19) - Bulbasaur

Bulbasaur is a responsible and often serious species, which makes it fit nicely in the Capricorn sign (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Bulbasaur is a responsible and often serious species, which makes it fit nicely in the Capricorn sign (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Based on many interpretations of the Zodiac, Capricorns are known for their stern demeanor and stubbornness. However, they are capable leaders and managers when it comes to working with groups of individuals. Many of these qualities are emblematic of Bulbasaur, the Kanto region's Grass-type starter creature.


Bulbasaur is often stern and independent, particularly when battling or protecting others. However, it has the propensity to group up with other Pocket Monsters and nurture weaker individuals who can't protect themselves. This was shown on full display in the Pokemon anime, where Ash's Bulbasaur played the part of protector and coordinator.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20) - Chespin

Chespin is a species with plenty of energy and curiosity (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Chespin is a species with plenty of energy and curiosity (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Many consider those born under the sign of Gemini to exhibit personality traits like being energetic, gregarious, and curious to a fault. The Grass-type starter Pokemon of the Kalos region, Chespin, is a thorough mix of all three attributes. It is loving and loyal while also having tons of energy and a sunny disposition.


However, Chespin is also markedly curious and can't often stick to its objectives. This can sometimes result in it getting into trouble, but fortunately, the quilled shell atop this Pocket Monster's head keeps it safe from harm.

Leo (July 23 to August 22) - Litten

Litten is a 'mon that is incredibly confident, making it an easy pick for a Leo (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Litten is a 'mon that is incredibly confident, making it an easy pick for a Leo (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Litten is a Fire-type starter Pokemon from the Alola region. It is known for its qualities as a confident competitor and fighter. This is much like the Leo Star Sign, which is said to be emblematic of leaders and confident individualists leading the way regardless of their chosen task.


When it comes to Litten, the fierce Fire-type exudes otherworldly confidence as it takes on its problems head-on. This trait is only magnified as it evolves into Incineroar, wherein it becomes even more independent and will battle down to the wire, even disregarding its trainer to do so.

Libra (September 23 to October 22) - Sprigatito

Sprigatito loves people and attention, something this species shares with Libra depictions (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Sprigatito loves people and attention, something this species shares with Libra depictions (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Based on interpretations of modern astrology, Libras enjoy partnership, teamwork, and being around people in general. They allegedly appreciate attention but can get a bit annoyed when they don't have it, or they're alone. This is somewhat reminiscent of the Paldea region's Grass-type starter Sprigatito, which has shown to be cooperative but a bit attention-seeking.


For example, in the Pokemon Horizons anime, Sprigatito is almost always at its trainer Liko's side. However, when the cast was giving attention to Liko's family, Fidough, Sprigatito got a bit upset. This was until it was needed to save Liko from a wild Lechonk. All in all, Sprigatito loves interaction and is cooperative and fair in social situations.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20) - Sobble

Sobble is an emotional creature and doesn't enjoy conflict (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Sobble is an emotional creature and doesn't enjoy conflict (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Modern astrology paints the Pisces Star Sign as one of compassion, emotional capacity, and genuine identity. However, it also states that Pisces individuals can often be overwhelmed by their emotions, particularly in conflict resolution, leading them to break down or seek out solitude.


These characteristics are much like the Galar region Water-type starter Sobble. It abhors conflict and has the ability to camouflage itself to avoid it. Moreover, in untenable situations, Sobble can become overwhelmed by its emotions and cry as a distraction to find a safer place and enjoy its solitude.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) - Totodile

Totodile is representative of the spontaneity and goofy demeanor of the Sagittarius (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Totodile is representative of the spontaneity and goofy demeanor of the Sagittarius (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Spontaneous and zero-filter behavior define the Sagittarius Star Sign, according to modern astrology, and no starter Pokemon is more indicative of this behavior than Totodile. The fun-loving and chaotic Water-type from the Johto region is tough to figure out due to its free spirit and playful demeanor, which can sometimes get it into trouble, especially when it chomps on the wrong person or Pocket Monster.


Totodile's wild streak doesn't subside as it evolves, and its powerful jaws are capable of snapping just about anything. Trainers picking this Pocket Monster will have to deal with a handful but loving creature.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21) - Piplup

Piplup is both prideful and determined to get what it wants (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Piplup is both prideful and determined to get what it wants (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Scorpio Star Signs are often interpreted through the lens of determinism and power dynamics. These individuals do what is necessary to achieve their goals. In this light, the Sinnoh region's Water-type starter, Piplup, immediately comes to mind due to its pride that sometimes borders on haughtiness.


Piplup is so prideful that it will often spurn humans and even its own trainer, believing that it can accomplish what it needs on its own. If it's seen making a misstep, it will puff out its chest in defiance. When it evolves into Empoleon, this species becomes aggressive toward anyone or anything that would tarnish its reputation.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20) - Oshawott

Oshawott is both hard-working and filled to the brim with resolve (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Oshawott is both hard-working and filled to the brim with resolve (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Taurus is considered the hardest-working Star Sign. These individuals work hard, stick to their beliefs, and endure positivity. When it comes to working hard and playing hard, Oshawott is very similar in nature. This Water-type creature from the Unova region spends hours perfecting its battle techniques using the shell on its torso.


Hard work pays off, and when Oshawott eventually evolves into Samurott, it possesses the power to take down opposing Pokemon in as little as a single cutting motion.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22) - Chikorita

Chikorita is giving and empathetic, making it a great match for the Virgo Star Sign (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Chikorita is giving and empathetic, making it a great match for the Virgo Star Sign (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Although countless Star Sign interpretations exist, the Virgo sign is often associated with traits like selflessness, empathy, and generosity. This lines up with the qualities of Chikorita, the Johto region's Grass-type starter. When it isn't relaxing in the sun's rays, this Pokemon can solve problems and calm Pocket Monsters and people who are at odds with each other.

Chikorita is quite calm and humble in its demeanor, often making an effort to put others before it in most situations. It goes to great lengths to ensure peace between individuals, something that is magnified when it evolves into Meganium, which is considered a peacemaker that can revive dead greenery.

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Edited by Rachel Syiemlieh
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