When one thinks of dominant Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet's competitive scene, Flutter Mane is one of the first names that comes to mind. However, one thing that some Trainers might not realize is how popular this entity is. This Ghost/Fairy-type is prevalent in the esports scene and highly successful in it.
Flutter Mane has appeared on some winning teams in the best Pokemon Scarlet and Violet tournaments around. Naturally, some players might wonder why it has become one of the best in the new generation. The answer is rather simple, which will be detailed below.
Flutter Mane is arguably Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's best new addition to the competitive scene
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The above tweet essentially states that Flutter Mane was the most used Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet's Paldean Prologue. The top ten shown creatures featured below were its most common teammates, which included:
- Koraidon
- Iron Bundle
- Iron Hands
- Miraidon
- Chi-Yu
- Dragonite
- Chien-Pao
- Great Tusk
- Talonflame
- Amoonguss
It isn't just the Paldean Prologue where this Ghost/Fairy-type shined.

The above image presenting the top eight teams correlates with the 2023 Vancouver Regional, where Flutter Mane was in the first-place lineup. Not only that, it was also featured in five of the top eight teams. Some explanations as to why this was the case are in order:
- Ghost and Fairy are phenomenal types, both offensively and defensively.
- Base 135 Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed are excellent.
- Protosynthesis is easy to trigger with Torkoal (or Koraidon if it's legal).
- Flutter Mane's movepool is excellent for what it can do.
- Several items can be applied to it.
This Paradox form of Misdreavus excels in both singles and doubles. For reference, it was swiftly banned from Smogon's OU tier and is in Ubers based on the current rulesets. As for its doubles performance, the following image should show how phenomenal it is.

Flutter Mane's usage rate is exceptionally high, often being the number one-most used Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet's current formats. It is legal in Series 2 but wasn't allowed in Series 1. Thus, Trainers couldn't see this Pocket Monster's full potential back then.
Flutter Mane stats, typing, and PvP build

This Pokemon's stats in Scarlet and Violet are as follows:
- HP: 55
- Attack: 55
- Defense: 55
- Sp. Atk: 135
- Sp. Def: 135
- Speed: 135
Naturally, such stats make it prime for Special Attacking sets. This Ghost/Fairy's type matchups are — barring which everything else is neutral:
- 2x Weak: Ghost, Steel
- 4x Resist: Bug
- Immune: Normal, Fighting, Dragon
The Bug resistance isn't too valuable, but its immunity to three typings is pretty significant. Not to mention, one of this creature's weaknesses is Steel, an uncommon offensive type.

A common set would typically use:
- Nature: Timid
- EVs: 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Speed / 4 HP
- Item: Choice Specs or Life Orb or Focus Sash or Booster Energy
- Moves: Shadow Ball + Moonblast + Dazzling Gleam + Power Gem or Icy Wind or Mystical Fire
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players could also use Protect over the last move if they opt to use an item other than Choice Specs. Perish Song is another solid move that some Trainers may use to great effect.
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