Following the recent announcement of the 2022 World Championships, Niantic has revealed the next set of Raid Bosses coming to Pokemon GO. Two of these future bosses are the Legendary duo from the Galar region.
With Zamazenta and Zacian coming to the mobile game, players everywhere are looking for guidance.
Given that Zamazenta is one of the newest Pokemon to come to the franchise, it is understandable if users may not know everything there is to know about it. Luckily, there are always helpful tips they can learn to better deal with any Legendary Pokemon before challenging them to a Raid Battle.
So what are some things gamers should know about Zamazenta before battling it in Pokemon GO? Legendary or not, there is always some helpful general info players can keep in mind.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Things like the Pokemon's type, stats, and potential moveset can help users know aspects like which Pokemon they should bring to this Raid.
Everything about Zamazenta in Pokemon GO

The first thing gamers should know about this form of Zamazenta they will be battling is that it will not be the Crowned form that fans of the main series will be familiar with. This form of Zamazenta will be the Hero of Many Battles form they first see when starting up a new game of Pokemon Shield.
This is important for fans of the main series thinking about challenging Zamazenta in Pokemon GO because of the secondary typing its other form has. Since it is in its base form, it will not have its secondary Steel typing and will thus only be a pure Fighting-type Pokemon. It makes things way easier.
Due to the Steel typing being the best defensive type in Pokemon GO, completely doing away with it on a Pokemon with a high defense like Zamazenta can make the battle much more manageable.
It has an attack stat of 254, a defense of 236, and a stamina stat of 192. Funnily enough, this contradicts their stats in the main series.
With everything regarding its stats and typing out of the way, gamers can begin to determine a potential team to bring to this fight. The first thought many may have is to get any Flying or Psychic-type Pokemon to this battle as they will have a type advantage.
However, Zamazenta has Ice and Dark-type moves. Even with Steel-type moves to overpower Fairy-types, there are not many options for players looking to take the strategic way through this fight.
With this in mind, the only way they can defeat Zamazenta is for trainers to overpower it with teams of their strongest Psychic-type Pokemon. Luckily, there are plenty to choose from.
Some of the best Pokemon users can bring for this fight in Pokemon GO are the outrageously strong Psychic-types, Mewtwo and Deoxys-Attack. For those without access to these Legendary and Mythical Pokemon, Alakazam and Espeon are excellent choices as well. With enough firepower, gamers should get through this fight.
Those looking to overpower this Raid Boss should never forget that there is strength in numbers. For this battle, players looking to utilize this strategy should work in teams of six or seven.
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