It doesn’t matter if you play poker in a casino or you play poker online, if you want to play it fair and get the result that you deserve, you would have to play by the rules. Be disciplined at the poker table.
Abiding by the rules and etiquette while playing poker is an absolute necessity as prevents any kind of confusion and, as for your concern, you would get the return you deserve. A discordant poker table will only give scope to the swindlers to snatch away your precious winning amount.
Therefore here is a list of Poker Etiquettes that one needs to follow at the table so that the game could be fair by all means.
#1 Don’t discuss your Poker hand during the play
This is the most important and fundamental rule of Poker. Well, it doesn’t make a lot of sense now is it if you reveal what cards you possess to other poker players while you are playing.
If you do that, you are wasting a good game and at the same time you will render yourself vulnerable to other players who might take the advantage the fact that they know your cards.
#2 Wait for Your Turn and then Play
Don’t be reckless and don’t act out of your turn. Right off the bat, this is a bad manner.
#3 Always put your cards on the table
To avoid any kind of confusion and to ensure a fair play, keep your cards on the table. If you do otherwise, the dealer might not see your hand and thus will deal your card to someone else. Confusion!
#4 Avoid ‘Splashing the pot’
Don’t throw your chips directly into the pot. Let the dealer be clear about how much you are betting and how much chips you are putting on the table. If you don’t follow this procedure the dealer might have to interrupt the game to avoid any confusion.
#5 At Showdown, submit your cards ‘Face Up’ on the table
Show your cards; let the dealer determine if you have won the pot in a fair way. Do not conceal any cards that you have, present all you have under the open light for gaining consensus from all the players across the table that you are the legitimate winner.
Lastly, if you are playing at a poker website online and not at a casino then you won’t probably need to give tips to the dealer. However, if you are at the latter then tipping the person who dealt your cards is just a gentle gesture to acknowledge the dealer for their services.
Consider it as an act of kindness and not mere etiquette. To end this article, the golden rule of being successful in the Poker community is by playing clean and fair at all times.
So play clean, play well and you will be a Poker maestro in no time.