India’s biggest Poker platform, PokerBaazi, has reignited its hit brand campaign, ‘Tu Poker Khelta Hai Kya?’, featuring ace actor and brand ambassador Shahid Kapoor. As one of the most recognisable Poker campaigns in India, this latest edition builds on Poker as a mind sport that mirrors real-life skills.
Riding on the energy of the biggest cricketing season, PokerBaazi is once again challenging stereotypes with a powerful yet entertaining message- “Jo life mein khelta hai, wo Poker bhi khel sakta hai”. The four-ad film series takes a satirical and humorous approach to showcase Shahid Kapoor in everyday scenarios where he instinctively applies Poker strategies, outsmarting opponents, making quick calculations, reading people, and keeping a calm demeanour under pressure. Each ad highlights how Poker isn’t just about cards; it’s about the decisions we make, the risks we take, and the strategies we employ in everyday life.
With International Mind Sports Association officially acknowledging Poker as a mind sport, PokerBaazi is taking this campaign to a national stage as co-powered by partner of JioHotstar for the live stream of India’s biggest T20 league ensuring that millions of Cricket and sport enthusiasts witness how seamlessly Poker skills integrate into daily experiences.
Speaking about the campaign, Navkiran Singh, Founder & CEO of Baazi Games, said:
"At PokerBaazi, we have always championed Poker as a game of skill, one that sharpens strategy, intuition, and decision-making. This campaign reinforces how Poker mirrors real-life situations, making it instantly relatable to millions of Indians. By leveraging cricket’s massive reach, we aim to drive greater awareness of this narrative with our campaign.”
The campaign films have been directed by Suraj Wanvari (Happy Monk) and written by Vishal Dayama (Braindad), known for their engaging and witty storytelling. The ads will run extensively on JioHotstar throughout the T20 league, ensuring high visibility among sports and gaming audiences.
So, Get ready to see Poker in a whole new light. As Shahid Kapoor takes centre stage once again, the question remains- ‘Tu Poker Khelta Hai Kya?'