#5 Play Low Bets

Bluffing playing the low bets is a useful tactic not only when one holds aces full of kings but also when the bets are low and one has a decently strong hand. Such a bluff will most likely tempt your opponents to add higher sums of money to the pot and eventually result in you winning as they slowly lose their hopes of gaining anything from the round.
Also, attention should be paid to the reactions of those who have already folded their cards as they are more likely to show emotion on their faces than those still involved in the round. For example, a player who has already folded and looks upset with himself should indicate that you now have better chances of walking away with the round.
#6 Limit the bluffs
Earlier in this article, we mentioned the boy who cried wolf and in poker parlance, the words “boy” and “wolf” can be replaced by player and bluff. Excessive bluffing will always result in the table catching on to your tricks and picking up patterns which will make further bluffing attempts unsuccessful. It is important to know when to bluff and how. Also, keep in mind that you will not master the bluff instantly, it is an art which takes the experience to master and is still likely to fail if someone reads through it.
Also, it is important to know that bluffing is not necessary to win. It is a useful tool to have but it is not essential to use it. Use the bluff wisely and when it is likely to cause most disruption and mayhem. You should never bluff on whims and fancies or if you just “feel like” bluffing.