The Bold and the Beautiful is one of the longest-running American soap operas that has featured an ensemble cast over the years. William J. Bell and Lee Phillip Bell created the show for CBS as a sister program to The Young and the Restless. Since the early 1990s, several characters from both shows have occasionally been on the other series. The show is centered on the Forrester family and their haute couture business, and it is set in Los Angeles, California.
The series has over 9000 episodes to date and is currently airing its 37th season. There have been some memorable on-screen pairings on the show, and fans have continued to celebrate the most memorable couples in The Bold and the Beautiful till date.
10 most memorable on-screen couples on The Bold and the Beautiful
1) Quinn Fulton and Eric Forrester
John McCook's Eric Forrester and Rena Sofer's Quinn Fulton made for one of the best on-screen couples on the show. When jewelry designer Quinn Fuller first appeared on B&B in July of 2013, actress Rena Sofer made her television debut. This combo caused jaws to drop and eyebrows to rise. However, the yin/yang combination produced an explosive marriage that was dynamic while it lasted.
2) Caroline Spencer and Ridge Forrester
Thorsten Kaye plays the role of Ridge, while Linsey Godfrey plays Caroline in the show. The couple's name "CaRidge" is how people generally refer to them.
After a terrible event involving Caroline's uncle Bill Spencer, Ridge is unable to design, and Caroline is called to assist him. This is how their romance blooms. Although their relationship was not meant to last, the on-screen pairing is one of the best on the show to date.
3) Amber Moore and Rick Forrester
The relationship between the nanny and her ward was viewed as a taboo on the show, and for the audience, it was as sinister as it got. That being said, their turbulent relationship and marriage(s) pushed the pairing much above the level of teenage courtship. Rick was portrayed by Justin Torkildsen, Kyle Lowder, and currently Jacob Young, while Amber was portrayed by Adrienne Frantz.
4) Hope Logan and Liam Spencer
When Hope (then Kim Matula) first met Liam in 2010, things took off right away. Liam and Hope love each other, but there always seems to be something standing in their way.
Yet, remaining true to the spirit of The Bold and the Beautiful, Hope and Liam survived three marriages without any problems, despite all the broken engagements and interrupted nuptials.
5) Taylor Hayes and Ridge Forrester
Taylor and Ridge really sizzled on-screen as one of the super couples in The Bold and the Beautiful. Although raised as the son of fashion designer Eric Forrester, Ridge is actually the son of business billionaire Massimo Marone and Stephanie Forrester. Meanwhile, Taylor is the child of Jack and Sharon Hamilton. The pair got together after Ridge's first wife Caroline passed away.
6) Brooke Logan and Bill Spencer
Brooke and Bill have become a beloved supercouple throughout the years among The Bold and the Beautiful fans. Brooke and Bill, or "Brill" as the fans have called them, have had a very complex relationship, in typical The Bold and the Beautiful style.
7) Macy Alexander and Thorne Forrester
Married three times in total after their love story began in 1989, the couple has faced some rough times but stuck it through till 2003. During the course of the show, at one point, it was also believed that Macy was dead but much like the flames of their love, she turned out to be alive.
8) Katie Logan and Bill Spencer
The former couple, who were the actual example of opposites attracting, promised to be together through good times and bad. Perhaps they weren't aware at the time of just how horrible "worse" could get. However, their time together made them one of the most memorable couples in The Bold and the Beautiful.
9) Stephanie Douglas and Eric Forrester
Stephanie and Eric made a pair on The Bold and the Beautiful whose marriages were so explosive that they constantly tested the mansion's structural stability.
Even though their relationship may not have been rosy at all times, there was still love in full bloom if you could see past its thorniness. Eric is played by John McCook, while Susan Flannery plays Stephanie. They go by the coupling name "Steric" most of the time.
10) Brooke Logan and Ridge Forrester
It would be difficult to find a dynamic couple on daytime TV, or any TV for that matter, whose love story is as enduring, dramatic, and ultimately unpredictable as Brooke Logan and Ridge Forrester's.
Some fans call their union a fate, while others simply believe they are a couple of masochists who don't know when to say what. Despite their personal shortcomings, the couple delivered several memorable scenes in the drama.
For fans, these couples are the most memorable pairings on The Bold and the Beautiful. Let us know your thoughts in the comment section and tell us about your favorite couples from the show!