Joey Tribbiani was perhaps the most lovable character in Friends. His love life, just like him, was colorful and added much needed layers to the show. Joey was a womanizer, and relationships were something he rarely took seriously. Despite that, he had few relationships that had the potential to last.
The women in Joey Tribbiani's life
Joey dated a number of women throughout the seasons. All of them had their own varied personalities and funny quirks. However, there was one thing common among them - they were all lovable.
With that in mind, here's taking a look at the top 10 women who dated Joey Tribbiani.
1) Katie

Katie was Joey's girlfriend who punched him way too much. As hilarious as the episode was, Katie was quite a nice match for Joey and she genuinely cared for him. However, her habit of punching was what led things down to a spiral.
In an ironic turn of events, Joey had Rachael beat her up as a way to dump her.
2) Charlie

Charlie Wheeler was a distinct presence in Joey's life. Being so much smarter than him, Charlie and Joey provided some hilarious moments in Friends, with Joey trying to match his girlfriend's intellect. In the end, she dumped Joey for Ross, who was her intellectual equivalant.
3) Kate

Kate Miller was Joey's first true love interest and changed Joey's personality from a less shallow one. Joey genuinely tried to win her affection. However, she was career oriented and wanted every move to influence the same. In the end, this was the result of their break-up.
4) Erin

Erin was one of the most suitable matches for Joey. Their interests matched and they were very well suited for each other. Unfortunately, Kristin Davis was only on the show for a cameo, and this could be the reason for their break-up. Otherwise, Erin and Joey would have undoubtedly made a great couple.
5) Angela

Angela was Joey's ex, and the two had dated for three years prior before she was introduced. When she reappears in his life, Joey tried hard to impress her and regain her confidence. He even convinced Monica to pose as his fake girlfriend to lure her.
6) Rachael
Rachael was the most uncanny pairing with Joey. Fans did not like the pairing at all. The two were quite mismatched, and their love arc was dragged on for far too long. Though Joey really seemed to be in love with her, their shared history with Ross made him step aside.
7) Ursula
Phoebe's twin sister Ursula was a menacing presence. Joey started dating her, much to the displeasment of Phoebe. However, Ursula was never a good person and planned to dump Joey. But by the end, Phoebe conducted a sting operation where Joey proved that he would dump Ursula for her sake.
8) Kathy

Kathy was one of the major plot points in Friends. Chandler's crush on her made it even funnier. His friendship with Chandler was also tested during this time. Kathy may not have been a very good match for Joey (she was for Chandler though), but it made for some very compelling television.
9) Janine

Janine could have been Joey's final girlfriend. They seemed like a perfect match and Joey liked her a lot. However, her only drawback was her dislike for Chandler and Monica.
Regardless, she made him a better person and helped him grow. The duo could have been the end goal, if not for the strong bond between the group.
10) Melanie
Melanie was the perfect nurturing presence in Joey's life. She was caring and sweet. They had a comfortable relationship, but her behavior towards Joey was almost motherly. In fact, some would say too motherly. However, in the long run, she could have made a good partner for Joey.