100 Years of Warner Bros. is a mesmerizing documentary series that will trace the iconic Warner Bros. studio's journey from its inception in the 1920s to its current global prominence. Warner Bros., a cinematic pillar, has presented countless impactful stories over the years. Narrated by Morgan Freeman, the series will premiere at Cannes on May 24, 2023, and will stream on Max from May 25.
The 100 Years of Warner Bros. documentary series will offer a captivating voyage into the studio's rich legacy. The series will showcase Warner Bros.' dedication to storytelling and its enduring influence on cinema. It is a tribute to Warner Bros.' century-long saga, shaped by visionaries, executives, and the audience.
Journey through time: Plot and episodes of 100 Years of Warner Bros.
The trailer featured the stirring words of Martin Scorsese, setting the tone for the series. It described Warner Bros. as a studio that existed at the very inception of the art form and the industry, one that took chances and was renowned for its unique quality of films. In the trailer, George Clooney mentioned that Warner Bros. was "brave at times when it was not easy to be very brave."
The 100 Years of Warner Bros. docuseries will unfold in four parts, each exploring distinct eras of Warner Bros.' history. The first episode, The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of, will delve into the studio's journey from silent films to talkies, their stand against Nazism during WWII, and more.
The second episode, Clint, Kubrick, and Kryptonite, will portray Warner Bros. navigating the '60s and '70s and embarking on an era of groundbreaking storytelling under new leadership.
The third episode, Heroes, Villains, and Friends, will depict the '80s Hollywood blockbuster era and the studio's ascension post a historic merger. The finale, Wizarding World and The Big Bang will showcase Warner Bros.' resilience and innovation in the new millennium, leveraging digital technologies and promoting authentic voices.
Stars behind the story: The cast of 100 Years of Warner Bros.
This mesmerizing journey through a century of cinema is enriched by the insights and experiences of over 50 actors, filmmakers, and industry insiders. Martin Scorsese, Oprah Winfrey, Keanu Reeves, Todd Phillips, Patty Jenkins, and George Clooney are just a few of the popular stars who will share their perspectives in this docuseries.
Their narratives are interwoven with clips from movies and television series, offering a multi-faceted view of the studio's evolution and its impact on the industry.
Directed by Leslie Iwerks, an Academy Award and Emmy-nominated filmmaker, and narrated by Morgan Freeman, the series promises to offer a rich and insightful narrative, combining personal stories, historical contexts, and a comprehensive look at the role of Warner Bros. in shaping the landscape of global entertainment
The 100 Years of Warner Bros. documentary is more than just a retrospective; it's a tribute to the art and industry of filmmaking. This docuseries will encapsulate the courage, ambition, and creativity that has allowed Warner Bros. to remain a beacon in the world of cinema, always ready to take chances and bring bold visions to life.
The first two episodes of 100 Years of Warner Bros. will be available to stream on Max on May 25, with the last two specials airing on June 1. Tune in and delve into the legacy of Warner Bros. and the indelible mark it has made on the film industry.