In the three-part Netflix series Neymar: The Perfect Chaos, a 29-year-old controversial football player named Neymar da Silva Santos Junior, who also happens to be one of the greatest players of all time, takes center stage.
Directed by David Charles Rodrigues, this documentary-style series tries to reflect Neymar as he truly is and not the character that the media has created, as he goes through the highs and lows of his career.
Netflix's Neymar: The Perfect Chaos: Synopsis
Since the tender age of 14, starting his career at Sao Paolo, Neymar Junior has been on a journey like no other. Playing in two World Cups for Brazil and playing for two of the biggest football leagues in the world, Barcelona and PSG is not something many players have succeeded in achieving.
But what Neymar is represented as by mainstream media is a spoiled rich kid whose legacy has been tainted by his bad reputation. To revert to this effect, director David Charles Rodrigues tries to bring the real face of Neymar out in the open.
Why you must watch the series
1) A rich addition to Netflix's collection of sports documentaries
Netflix has left no stone unturned in adding diverse documentaries from all across the world in different languages. From Cheer, The Playbook, Naomi Osaka to The Last Dance, the production house has been influential in showcasing all kinds of sports on the platform.
Without a doubt, Neymar's acclaimed life story of 164 minutes in three episodes will prove to be a binge-worthy experience for sports lovers.
2) Director David Charles Rodrigues gives his best
Director David Charles Rodrigues goes beyond the demarcation of wrongs and rights in authentically portraying Neymar's struggle. From bringing in clips from his family to his former teammates, he commits his all.
The director has showcased the footballer's personal life with dignity and sincerity. From his benevolent father Neymar Sr., looking after his finances, to his mother Nadine spiritually supporting him. His unconditional love for his son Davi helps in humanizing the "monster" tag that he has been bestowed upon him.
3) Attention to Detail
In addition to Ben Bernhard's superb cinematography, the audience can view a kid from humble beginnings, quickly rising to fame, solely on the credits of his sport. The demarcation between the blinding lights of the stadium and the rustic fields of his childhood in Sao Paolo establishes how far Neymar has come in his career.
Tejo Damasceno also breathes life into Neymar: The Perfect Chaos by infusing a brilliant background score. While serious moments are enlightened by somber music, carnival music graces the joyous ones, especially when Neymar scores the goals.