The Adidas sneakers are one of the most demanded sneaker models in the current market. The sneaker brand introduced its shoes in 1946, and since then, due to the brand's dedication, innovation, and cultural significance, it has become highly coveted by sneakerheads. Its clean and unassuming silhouette, built on a track shoe last, has endeared it to fans for over 50 years.
The Adidas sneaker's popularity was further fueled by its association with different cultural fringe groups, including reggae, terrace casuals, and hip-hop, which helped propel the sneaker into the mainstream. In the 1970s, the brand's sneakers became highly popular among people, and the brand experimented with different materials and colorways to meet the growing demand.
Even today, Adidas remains highly regarded, with notable names in the fashion and entertainment industries often seen sporting the shoe. Here is a list of some of the latest Adidas sneakers that will be released in October 2023.
Adidas sneakers like Adidas Crazy 8, Adidas Crazy IIInfinity, Korn x Adidas Campus 00s, and Adidas Gazelle will be launched in October 2023
1) Adidas Crazy 8 "White/Grey"

The Adidas Crazy 8 sneaker was the first shoe Kobe Bryant ever wore, and it has since gone down in basketball lore as the shoe that started it all for him. Despite losing the KB8 designation, the Crazy 8 has maintained its legendary significance and serves as a memorial to the extraordinary journey of the Black Mamba.
Adidas Crazy 8 "White/Grey" will be released on October 1, 2023, with a price tag of $140. The Adidas sneaker's design preserves all the bold lines for which the Crazy 8 is famous, yet the shoe's muted, earthy tones convey a sense of calm assurance. This selection makes it easy to incorporate a little bit of '90s flair into the sneakerhead's current wardrobe, as it goes well with virtually every ensemble.
2) Adidas Gazelle Bold "Silver Green/Cloud White"
The Adidas Gazelle Bold is one of the brand's most stylish and versatile sneakers. The shoe features a premium suede upper, giving it a luxurious look and feel. Smart elements, such as the layered Adidas logo along the heel with a subtle color gradient, complement the shoes' layered gum platform rubber sole.
The upper is constructed from high-quality suede and has tonal detailing and contrasting 3-stripes. This Adidas sneaker will be released on October 1, 2023, with a price tag of $120.
3) Adidas Gazelle Boots "Core Black"

The Adidas Gazelle Boots are a unique and sturdy take on the classic Gazelle silhouette. It features a high-top design, providing additional ankle support and protection. The shoe is made of premium suede and leather materials, giving it a luxurious look and feel. The Gazelle Boots also incorporates a durable rubber outsole, providing excellent traction on a variety of surfaces.
The Adidas Gazelle Boots "Core Black" has its roots in the classic design thanks to the Trefoil on the tongue and serrated 3-stripes. This Adidas sneaker will hit the market on October 1, and its retail price will be $130.
4) Adidas Crazy IIInfinity "Triple Black"
The Adidas Crazy IIInfinity is the latest addition to the Adidas Crazy line, previously known as the Adidas Kobe line. The Adidas Crazy IIInfinity features a sleek and modern design with a combination of materials such as mesh, suede, and leather. This Adidas sneaker also features Adidas's iconic three stripes on the side and the Adidas logo on the tongue and heel.
The shoe is designed for basketball performance, with a cushioned midsole and durable rubber outsole. The Adidas Crazy IIInfinity will come in a "Triple Black" colorway on October 15, 2023, with a retail price of $160.
5) Korn x Adidas Campus 00s
The Korn x Adidas Campus 00s is a highly anticipated collaboration between the iconic nu-metal band Korn and Adidas. The Adidas sneaker features a sleek and modern design, black and white colorway, and gum sole. The 'Campus' logo on the outer side is styled like the font used in Korn's original design, an obvious throwback to the band's classic typography.
By taking a closer look, it can be noticed that the insole features artwork from the cover of Korn's 'Life is Peachy' album, along with the Adidas logo. The shoe is designed for lifestyle wear, with a suede upper and rubber outsole. The Adidas sneaker will see a release on October 27, 2023, for $130.
Only after a few weeks these Adidas sneakers will be released via the official website of Adidas.