Considered one of the beloved sitcoms from the 90s, Friends follows the lives of six friends - Monica, Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe. They are played by Courtney Cox, David Schwimmer, Jennifer Aniston, Matthew Perry, Matt LeBlanc, and Lisa Kudrow, respectively. Spanning 10 seasons, the beloved sitcom first aired on September 22, 1994, and went on to stream till September 25, 2003.
Although the show primarily focuses on friendship, Friends also explores the concept of chosen family. In spite of having their own biological family, the characters form a support system that goes beyond the blood ties. The sitcom begins with the characters in their 20s as they navigate the ups and downs of life in New York City.
The Geller siblings' special dance routine and 4 other family moments from FRIENDS
1) Emma learns a new trick
Despite having a rather complicated relationship between themselves, Ross and Rachel were hands-on parents to Emma. In the fourth episode of Friends season 10, Emma turns one, and the whole group gathers for the celebration. There have been quite a few cute moments between the duo and their toddler, but this particular episode takes the cake.
Ross and Rachel are particularly excited about their daughter turning one and go to lengths to make it memorable. The rest of the group, along with Jack and Judy, Monica and Ross's parents, visit to celebrate, but each is on their own timeline. Soon Rachel discovers that the bakery messed up and delivered them the wrong cake. She leaves to bring home the correct one and is soon joined by Ross, who leaves Joey to ensure that no one leaves the party.
With the parents gone, the rest of the gang tries to leave but comes back just in time. Emma learns a new trick taught by Chandler and Monica, which makes Rachel emotional. The episode ends with Ross and Rachel filming a special video message for their daughter for when she turns 18.
2) Phoebe's selfless act for her brother
Out of the six, Phoebe Buffay has the most unique and kind of complicated relationship with her family. She does develop a bond with her stepbrother Frank Jr and selflessly agrees to be his and his wife, Alice's surrogate.
In season 5 episode 3, Phoebe is surrounded by her friends and brother in the delivery room. Everyone is present except for Joey, who is informed that he is suffering from kidney stones and needs immediate help. The friends stay with Phoebe during her labor to provide emotional support as she prepares to give birth.
As the triplets - Frank Jr. Jr., Leslie, and Chandler - enter the world, everyone is equally emotional and happy. The birth of the triplets not only brings happiness to Frank Jr. and Alice but also serves as a significant milestone in Phoebe's life, as she fulfills her selfless act of carrying the babies to term.
3) Ross and Monica plan a special New Year Routine
Ross and Monica are undoubtedly one of the most hilarious sibling duos out there. Their personal dynamics have led to great moments throughout the series, but this particular Routine definitely tops the list. This iconic dance routine from season 6 episode 10 has become a fan favorite and remains one of the standout moments in the series.
Excited about an opportunity to appear on Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve, the siblings decide to showcase their synchronized dance routine from their school days. The episode then follows their enthusiastic rehearsals and exaggerated expressions with perfectly timed movement, which apparently no one seems to enjoy apart from them. As such, this episode showcases the bond between the siblings and their willingness to accept each other for their quirks.
4) Joey acts for his Nonnie
Joey is undoubtedly one of the most loved characters on the show. He is known to have a huge family with his parents, seven sisters, and grandmother. Although they do not appear much on the show, there have been frequent mentions and shy visits from his entire family during the course of the show.
He adores his Italian-speaking grandma and lovingly calls her Nonnie, who comes to visit him in the nineteenth episode of the fifth season of Friends. She comes over to watch her grandson on the television. However, Joey soon realizes that his part has been cut. He ends up filming a part in his apartment to keep his Nonnie from knowing the truth and getting a shock.
This silly but sweet moment shows us the bond Joey shares with his grandmother and emphasizes the significance of family bonds and the impact that his family has on him.
5) Rachel's Thanksgiving trifle
Thanksgiving holds a special part in the entire series, and no list is ever complete without a mention of the same. In the ninth episode of the sixth season, Monica gives Rachel the responsibility to bake a trifle for the group and her parents, who came to celebrate Thanksgiving.
However, due to the pages of the cookbook being stuck, Rachel ends up combining two recipes: a trifle and a shepherd's pie, resulting in a peculiar concoction. While Joey is the only one who actually enjoys it, the rest of the group has a hard time gulping the bizarre combination of flavors.
The episode showcases the tight-knit bond between the characters as they come together to share a laugh and create lasting memories, even amidst culinary disasters.
These five family moments from Friends exemplify the show's ability to blend humor, emotion, and relatable experiences. Each moment has its own significance as it highlights the complex family dynamics as well as the enduring bond and love they share with each other. These moments showcase the power of family whether it is a biological or a chosen family.