The Japanese anime Naruto is about the journey of a young orphan ninja struggling to be the village leader of Konoha. Over the years, the franchise has become very popular among anime fans (also known as otaku). The series' portrayal of a mysterious ninja world, vibrant characters, and an underdog story has inspired many fashion labels to collaborate and launch many lines of products that appeal to otakus and sneakerheads alike.
On that note, listed below are the five best Naruto sneakers that have served as a testament to how iconic a collaboration between the anime series and sneakers can be.
The Jordan Zion 1 Collection and four other Naruto Sneaker collabs
1) Jordan Zion 1 SP "Madara Six Paths"
Jordan Brand rarely collaborates with other brands. However, they went all in for Zion Williamson. The dynamic duo created a trifecta for the Naruto x Jordan Zion 1 SP Collection in an unusual lineup. The sneaker collection includes three distinct pairs motivated by Zion and the Japanese anime's "parallel paths of overcoming adversity."
This sneaker is part of the vast Jordan Zion collections. While the left shoe's white toe and outsole contrast with the right shoe's black, the former has a speckled pattern that the latter does not. The insoles are also jumbled up, with a tear-dropped shaped print and a solid color Jumpman signature that runs throughout the pair in white and black. Finally, the symmetrical black back panel completes the look.
The sneaker was released on May 11, 2022, for $130 and is available at select retailers.
2) COPA 19.1 TR ADV UltraBoost "Kakashi Hatake"
This sneaker made a cameo in the sneaker world through the collaboration with Masashi Kishimoto, the mangaka of Naruto. Moreover, this sneaker pays homage to the iconic series by the Japanese manga artist.
The limited edition COPA 19.1 TR ADV UltraBoost "Kakashi Hatake" was released in August 2019 and channels Team 7's sensei, Kakashi Hatake, in molded "Rich Blue" suede with a contrast heel cup reminiscent of his uniform and three stripes representing the signature logo. Additionally, the lace lock features the Konoha logo and Kanji symbols to highlight the character's name across the Boost midsole.
At launch, the sneakers retailed at a price of $324, which went on sale at select stores.
3) Jordan Zion 1 SP "Kurama Rage"
Another addition to the Jordan Zion 1 collection is the Naruto x Jordan Zion 1 "Kurama Rage" Jordan Zion 1. The sneakers feature a black mesh foundation that serves as the ideal canvas for "Chile Red" and "Alpha Orange" explosions on the entire heel, forming an animal print pattern. The contrasting hits continue to the lace units, midsole, and forefront.
The sneakers went on sale for $130 in April 2022 in select retail stores.
4) Jordan Air 200E SP "Jōnin"
If you are well equipped with Narutopedia, you must be aware of the highly skilled shinobis in the series called the Jōnin. The Jordan brand was inspired to create another silhouette of the rank, taking inspiration from their uniforms.
This Japanese anime collab is similar to the Zion 1 collaboration. While the Jōnin-inspired Jordan Air 200SE SP is a mix of "Muslin/Metallic Silver/Carbon Green and University Red," the kicks are designed to look like the Jōnin uniforms of Konoha, Hidden Leaf Village.
The shoe's uppers have a mesh foundation complemented by suede and textile overlays to resemble Jōnin's flak jacket protective gear. Aside from the standard "23" and Jumpman, the shoe features the Uzushiogakure logo from the flak jackets and the Konoha pattern that appears on the iconic forehead bands of the ninjas.
The sneakers went on sale for $150 in May 2022 at certain stores.
5) Adidas Naruto x Mizuno Collaboration
The long-running manga and anime series has inspired countless custom sneakers, but there has never been a formal effort. A mysterious Adidas collaboration appeared to be smoke-bombed in 2019, but Mizuno has now released three colorways for more clarity.
This anime and Mizuno are both Japanese, so this collaboration seemed more likely to happen. The latter used an archival prototype from the 1990s called the Contender, which is appropriate given the manga's initial debut. This era of sneakers relied much on mesh and suede, which confirms to be an ideal conduit for these three distinct palettes, each referencing the series' three main characters.
Sakura's outfit and hair inspire the pink and red scheme in the silhouette, while the purple and black scheme, along with a snake-textured logo, reflects the rogue ninja Sasuke's outfit. Moreover, the titular protagonist's jumpsuit inspires the black and yellow framework. Each pair is also embellished with unique embroidery to reference the characters.
The sneakers were released in January 2022 for $114 at different retailers.
These five sneakers are suitable choices for Naruto fans, who also happen to be ardent sneakerheads. Let us know which of these sneakers are your favorite in the comments section.