The most recent episode of Big Brother season 25 aired on Wednesday, August 9, 2023. During the segment, one cast member, Luke Valentine, was expelled from the show for using a racial slur.
Fans were enraged by the contestant's statement, and the show, as well as the network, did not condone the behavior. Soon after the incident, Luke was removed from the show and CBS issued a statement.
"Luke violated the Big Brother code of conduct, and there is zero tolerance in the house for using a racial slur. He has been removed from the house. His departure will be addressed in Thursday night's show."
Scroll down to know which other cast members had to leave the show early in the past due to violating the code of conduct while on the CBS show.
Scott Weintraub, Justin Sebik, Willie Hantz, and others who were expelled from Big Brother
1) Justin Sebik
During season 2, which aired in 2001, Justin Sebik got expelled from the show on day 10 due to his violent behavior, which included smashing glass bottles and a chess set, urinating on a window, and threatening to hit another houseguest. However, the incident that ultimately led to his expulsion was his holding a knife to Krista Stegall's neck while kissing her.
While Krista did not seem threatened by the behavior, the network's spokesman, Gill Schwartz, later explained while in conversation with the Washington Post that he had previously been warned. Gill said:
"He was evicted because the producers felt ... he was engaging in activity that could be interpreted as threatening. The producers wanted to err on the side of safety."
2) Scott Weintraub
During Big Brother 4, Scott Weintraub was expelled on day 8 after his ex-girlfriend, Amanda, entered the house as part of the X-Factor twist which included former partners of the houseguests. He was unhappy about Amanda's presence and threw chairs around the house along with intimidating houseguests.
The then CBS chairman and CEO, Les Moonves, noted that because the former contestant was violent, other houseguests were afraid for their safety.
3) Willie Hantz
In Big Brother season 14, Willie Hantz was expelled on day 14, right after his Head of Household reign ended. While he previously behaved badly with other contestants, his physical altercation with Joe Arvin was the nail in the coffin.
The fight began with Willie muttering something derogatory under his breath and a derogatory reply from Joe Arvin. However, the reply made Willie jump up and confront the contestant and provoking him to hit him. However, it wasn't Joe who threw the first punch, as Willie headbutted him and shoved his chest.
4) Chima Simone
In season 11, Chima Simone was expelled for not following the rules of the house. While her actions did not put anyone in danger, she kept disregarding the rooms and harming the show's property. She felt that the game was being manipulated and was especially upset after Jessie's eviction.
However, the last straw was Chima refusing to put on her mic. While she was in the backyard with the other cast members, Big Brother asked her to put on her mic and she said that she didn't care. When the other members handed her the mic, she threw it into the pool.
5) Luke Valentine
The Big Brother season 25 cast member recently got added to the list of contestants that were expelled from the show. He was kicked off for using racial slurs. During the live feed, Luke was caught using the N-word casually while in conversation with a few other cast members.
Big Brother season 25 is set to air another episode on Thursday, August 10, 2023, at 9 pm ET on CBS.