Lucifer Season 6 premiered on Friday. The sixth and final season of Netflix’s hit show will be the last time fans get to see their beloved characters. Based on the DC Comics series The Sandman, Lucifer revolves around the Devil leaving Hell and settling on Earth. Lucifer even becomes a consultant for the LAPD and gets attracted to detective Chloe Decker.
Deftly balancing its biblical themes with a police procedural narrative, Lucifer is a uniquely original show. Full of relatable characters, Lucifer has some of the most thrilling and weird moments in television history. Take a look at Lucifer’s bizarre moments.
Note: The article solely reflects the views of the writer.
5 bizarre moments in Netflix's Lucifer
5) Lucifer reveals his Devil face to Dr. Linda Martin
Lucifer’s therapist Dr. Linda Martin grows tired of his biblical metaphors and demands that he tell her everything. And so, in S02E06: “Monster”, Lucifer takes a risk and shows his Devil face to Linda.
Realizing Lucifer was the Devil all this time completely freaked Linda out. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Fans were annoyed that two seasons in, and still, nobody knows Lucifer’s secret, not even his therapist. As such, this was one of the many shocking moments in the show.
4) Lucifer saves Chloe using his wings
In Lucifer S03E24: “A Devil of My Word”, while Chloe, Lucifer, and Marcus Pierce/Cain/The Sinnerman are involved in a standoff, Chloe shoots Pierce. But one of his henchmen shoots Chloe, and she falls into Lucifer’s arms.
However, in an thrilling moment, Lucifer shields himself and Chloe using his wings. Lucifer screams in pain while defending himself and Chloe from a barrage of bullets. This scene remains one of the best in the show.
3) Linda tells Amenadiel she’s pregnant
In Lucifer S04E02: “Somebody’s Been Reading Dante’s Inferno”, Linda’s baby reveal came as a shock to both Amenadiel and the viewers. In the show, Amenadiel himself implied that angels could not have children.
Lucifer’s debauchery and several one-night stands didn’t result in any unexpected pregnancies either. Thus, Linda and Amenadiel successfully conceiving a child is truly a bizarre moment in Lucifer.
2) Ella finds out her boyfriend is a serial killer
In Lucifer Season 5, Ella gets into a long-desired relationship. But her joy is short-lived when she learns that her boyfriend Pete Daily is the infamous “Whisper Killer”.
The massive reveal happened in the mid-season finale of season 5. The moment came as a surprise to everyone, but it was Miss Lopez who was most affected. It was sad and shocking to see the easy-going Ella Lopez meeting such a fate.
1) A fake shootout involving Dan Espinoza
In Lucifer S05E12: “Daniel Espinoza: Naked and Afraid”, when Dan learns that Lucifer is indeed the Devil, he panics and shoots him in his penthouse. Dan’s outburst has major implications as Lucifer learns he is no longer vulnerable around Chloe, and Dan confirms that Lucifer is the Devil.
But Lucifer being petty, plans an elaborate scheme to take his revenge. What Dan thinks is an ordinary prisoner transport job turns out to be much more complicated. Russians, poison, antidotes, and a shootout, the episode has everything. It all culminated with Maze taking a bullet for Dan and seemingly dying in his arms.
The death turned out to be a farce and Lucifer makes his point that when you try to do the right thing, others end up getting shot. A weirdly funny moment, this stands out as the most bizarre in the show’s history.