In the notorious case of "Killer Grandma" from 2018, David Riess and Pamela Hutchinson were gunned down within weeks of each other by the same Minnesota woman, Lois Riess.
The grandmother-of-five first murdered her husband David in their Blooming Prairie home and while on the run, killed Hutchinson in a Fort Myers Beach, Florida, hotel room, in an attempt to assumer her identity.
Lois was arrested at a South Texas restaurant after a weeks-long nation-wide hunt after authorities were tipped-off about her location. She eventually pleaded guilty in connection to both the murders and received two life sentences without the possibility of parole.
See No Evil on ID will chronicle the double homicide case of David Riess and Pamela Hutchinson in an upcoming episode titled Double Identity, scheduled to air on Wednesday, January 25, at 9.00 pm ET.
The synopsis for the all-new episode reads as:
"In 2018, 59-year-old Pamela Hutchinson is found dead in her Florida condo; the search for answers leads police to a mysterious woman spotted on CCTV; when the suspect is linked to yet another murder, it sparks a nationwide manhunt and media frenzy."
The "Killer Grandma" case: Five quick facts to know about the double homicide of David Riess and Pamela Hutchinson
1) David Riess' body was found during a welfare check days after his murder
When David reportedly failed to show up to work for over 16 days, his business partner requested authorities' assistance, asking them to interfere. His suspicions grew when David's wife Lois sent him a bizarre text message, alleging that he fell sick while on a fishing trip and is not to be disturbed.
On March 23, during a welfare check, authorities found the victim dead from multiple gunshot wounds inside his home. His body was covered with a blanket and was kept in a bathroom. Moreover, the killer tried to further cover up the stench of his rotting remains by using towels to stuff into the spaces between the doors. His car and wife were also missing.
2) Lois Riess took money from David's account after the murder
Lois Riess was quickly recognized as the guilty party by investigators, who believed that her gambling addiction had driven her way outside of her limits.
She had previously stolen $100,000 from her sister on one occasion, and in the days following David's murder she transferred $11,000 from his company account to a personal account. The discovery then led to the start of a nation-wide hunt.
3) Authorities connected the accused to the Florida killing of Pamela Hutchinson weeks after David Riess' murder
When authorities found Pamela Hutchinson's body in a Fort Myers Beach, Florida, hotel room, they used surveillance footage to find the killer, which led them to Lois Riess.
According to reports, while on the run after murdering David, the 56-year-old Minnesota resident befriended Hutchinson and murdered her in early April. She then stole her ID to withdraw $5,000 from the victim's account before leaving for Texas.
4) Lois Riess was arrested at a South Texas restaurant after authorities received a useful tip
Lois was soon declared a wanted fugitive in the murders of Pamela Hutchinson and David Riess. The nation-wide hunt continued for weeks and garnered significant media attention, with billboards going up in multiple states including Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Nevada. The accused was spotted multiple times and authorities received hundreds of tips, most of which were insignificant.
All efforts were to no avail until April 19, 2018, when a crucial tip led authorities to a restaurant on South Padre Island, Texas, where Lois Riess was arrested. According to reports, a witness called the police, claiming to have spotted a woman who matched Riess' description. She was taken into custody after authorities positively identified her and the stolen car in her possession.
5) Lois was sentenced in two different states for the murders of David Riess and Pamela Hutchinson
Lois Ries first pleaded guilty to a murder charge and three other related charges in Florida in connection to the killing of Pamela Hutchinson in December 2019, receiving a life sentence without the possibility of parole.
After a months-long wait, she was then extradited to Minnesota, where she entered a guilty plea regarding husband David Riess' death, receiving another life sentence without parole for Pamela's death in August 2020.