Lifetime's upcoming thriller film, The Disappearance of Cari Farver, is based on the real-life missing case of a woman named Cari Farver. Farver mysteriously went missing in November 2012, after she left her boyfriend's house. She also stopped visiting her family members.
However, she reportedly continued to remain in touch with her boyfriend, Dave Kroupa, and her family members via text message over the next few years. Authorities ultimately discovered that Farver was allegedly murdered and subsequently impersonated by another woman, named Shanna Elizabeth Golyar, who was involved with Farver's boyfriend.
Read on to find out some of the most important details about the Cari Farver missing case ahead of Lifetime's new movie premiere.
5 crucial details about the Cari Farver missing case
1) Dave Kroupa's relationship with Shanna ''Liz'' Golyar and Cari Farver
Dave Kroupa was reportedly involved in an on-and-off relationship with Shanna ''Liz'' Golyar, a woman he interacted with on a dating website. The two were involved in a casual relationship. Both Golyar and Kroup had two children from their previous relationships.
At the same time, Kroupa was also in a casual relationship with Cari Farver. Farver — who reportedly worked as a computer programmer and had a son — and Kroupa got along really well, but Farver made it clear during their first meeting that she wasn't looking for a serious relationship at the time.
2) Golyar once bumped into Farver at Dave's apartment
Cari Farver allegedly once bumped into Liz Golyar one day when she was leaving Dave Kroupa's house. The two did not interact or greet each other. But this would prove to be a pivotal moment in the case, as Farver disappeared a few weeks later.
3) The sudden disappearance
In November 2012, Farver mysteriously disappeared. She'd reportedly left Kroupa's house that day and was never seen again by her friends or family members. However, in the days, months, and years that followed, Kroupa and Farver's family members continued to receive text messages from Farver's mobile number.
Nancy Raney, Farver's mother, attempted to contact her daughter but received no response. Raney reported Farver missing after she failed to appear at her half brother's wedding.
4) The strange text messages from Farver's number
Dave Kroupa received several messages from Farver's number that were full of anger, hatred, and jealousy. One message read (obtained via ABC News),
''I hate you so much that I want to drive a knife in your heart."
Another text read,
''I will destroy your life and take your happiness.''
Many people from Dave Kroupa's life were also affected by Cari Farver's disappearance. Multiple threatening messages were also sent to Kroupa's ex-girlfriend, Amy Flora, and Shanna Golyar.
Meanwhile, Kroupa and Golyar became romantically involved again.
5) Shanna Golyar's arrest
Many years after Farver went missing, authorities finally cracked the case. They'd reportedly begun to suspect Golyar after discovering that she became involved with Kroupa again after Farver's disappearance. Detectives managed to download items from Golyar and Kroupa's phones, upon which they found a picture of Farver's car.
They eventually found several other pieces of incriminating evidence, including Farver's blood from her car, along with Golyar's fingerprints, among many other things. The police reportedly deduced that Farver was stabbed to death by Golyar, who burned the former's remains after letting her body decompose.
Golyar allegedly went on to impersonate Farver for a few years, using text messages and fake email IDs. She was subsequently charged with first-degree murder in December 2016. In 2017, she was found guilty of the same charge and received a life sentence.
You can watch The Disappearance of Cari Farver on Lifetime on Saturday, October 8, 2022.