The widely popular teen drama series, Cobra Kai, is set to return to screens for its fifth season. The series was originally released on May 2, 2018 and aired its first two seasons on YouTube Red before shifting to Netflix. The title has since garnered a huge fanbase.
Cobra Kai picks up years after the events of The Karate Kid film series and revolves around old and new characters alike. The story follows Johnny Lawrence down on his luck and living his life from one day to the next as a handyman. His defeat thirty-four years back and his subsequent assault by Kreese, has left him traumatized and depressed.
He has also abandoned his estranged son, Robby, from his previous relationship.
After losing his job, Johnny decides to try and recapture his past by reopening the Cobra Kai dojo. He takes on his neighbor Miguel Diaz as his student. As Johnny starts teaching karate again, he regains some composure in his life through training bullied students and helping them grow bonds.
In this article, we explore details about Tanner Buchanan, the person behind the character of Robby Keene, Johnny Lawrence's estranged son.
Metalhead, martial artist and more: 5 interesting things about Tanner Buchanan, the ripped heart-throb from Cobra Kai
1) Tanner Buchanan is a talented dancer
Tanner Buchanan took a keen interest in dancing from an early age and learned the art at the best dance school in Ottawa, Ohio. During an appearance on the Unqualified podcast in August 2021, Tanner revealed that he even went on to win multiple dance competitions and was quite adept at tap dancing.
His parents did have an interest in dancing but never really got pursued it because of their reluctance to be on camera. Tanner, on the other hand, did not have any such apprehensions and was a frequent at competitions around Ohio.
2) He has been in a longstanding relationship with Lizze Broadway
Tanner has been in a relationship with model and actor Lizze Broadway ever since they were quite young. During an appearance on Anna Faris' podcast, Broadway revealed that she and Tanner had already been together for six years by the time she turned 17.
Back in 2015, the couple split up temporarily. According to Buchanan, he was going through a rough patch and was throwing fits, which essentially led to Broadway breaking up with him. They later reconciled and continue to be together even now.
The two are not very public with their relationship.
3) He plays the guitar and was in a metal band
When he was young, Buchanan used to play the electric guitar and was part of a progressive death metal band called Acidosis.
In a 2021 interview with At Large, Tanner revealed that his all-time favorite bands include Pantera and Gojira. He also spoke about being absolutely stoked when Gojira followed him back on Instagram. His band mostly played Gojira covers when they performed as well.
4) He was experienced in martial arts even before Cobra Kai
Tanner Buchanan plays Robby Keene, estranged son of Johnny Lawrence in the series, Cobra Kai. Revolving heavily around martial arts, the show not only required actors to be in top shape, but also had them train extensively in martial art forms to naturalize them for their roles.
This is where Tanner Buchanan's previous experience in martial arts came handy.
Buchanan used to practice Taekwondo in his yesteryears and was only a few belts away from a black belt when he had called it quits over his busy schedule. Right before booking his role in Cobra Kai, he had also been practising Muay Thai for almost half a year.
His experience in martial arts definitely helped him land the role on the show.
5) Tanner Buchanan has had an acting career spanning over a decade
While Tanner Buchanan has only recently come into prominence after his role as Robby Keene, he has been working in the industry in supporting roles for over a decade now. His first acting role was as a child extra in Modern Family Season 2 Episode 6, titled Halloween.
He has since appeared in numerous projects and also played the role of Leo Kirkman, the eldest son of President Thomas Kirkman in ABC's political drama, Designated Survivor.
That apart, he has appeared briefly in shows such as Grey's Anatomy, The Goldbergs, Game Shakers, The Fosters and more. Since his big break in 2018 through Cobra Kai, he has also starred in the lead role of the 2021 film, He's All That.
Cobra Kai is set to release its fifth season on Netflix on September 9, 2022.
With the previous four seasons being major successes, high hopes are riding on the upcoming season as well. Tune into Netflix this month to catch some action-packed episodes showcasing martial arts.