Lost in Space, the American sci-fi phenomenon, is a reimagination of the 1965 series of the same name. It follows the adventures of a family of space colonists whose spaceship veers off course. The new season of Lost in Space is scheduled to be released on Netflix on 1 December 2021.
Sci-fi and Netflix
Netflix is an OTT platform which has no dearth of shows from all genres. The versatility of content on the streaming platform makes it one of the most successful in the world.
Netflix has something for everyone. For sci-fi fans, the platform boasts a plethora of shows that can be explored by viewers. In that regard, here are five must-watch sci-fi series currently streaming on Netflix.
1) Stranger Things
Stranger Things is set in 1980s, in a small town in the middle of nowhere, where unexplainable events start to unfold. When a child goes missing, the residents of this quaint town start to panic. Meanwhile, a mysterious and seemingly mute girl appears out of thin air.
She is sheltered and hidden by a group of young boys who soon learn about her special powers. Together they embark on an adventure to discover the dark forces that linger in their town.
2) Dark
When a young boy goes missing, his family and other residents start to notice some strange coincidences and patterns in the town's history. In the midst of turmoil, dark secrets begin to unfold. Though well-written, the plot of the show is pretty nuanced and requires careful watching for understanding.
3) Black Mirror
Black Mirror is an anthology with each episode bringing to the viewers uncomfortable, chilling and dystopian scenarios. Although the show has been around for a while, it still remains one of the most eerie sci-fi series to exist. It challenges your comfort level with the new, top-of-the-line technology that forms the premise in each episode.
4) Altered Carbon
Set in the future, Altered Carbon offers a look into a world where consciousness can be digitized and stored. This allows humans to survive beyond the death of their physical bodies, allowing for something close to immortality. Altered Carbon is one of the most innovative and refreshing sci-fis to exist.
5) Love, Death and Robots
Love, Death and Robots is a sci-fi series that utilizes a short story format, with every episode ranging from six to 18 minutes. The storytelling efforts are compacted into one visual and mind-bending spectacle.
The episodes are created by different teams telling disjunctured stories which are gathered using three words: Love, Death and Robots.