Aside from Nicolas Cage's major accomplishments, including the Oscar-winning performance in the 1995 movie titled Leaving Las Vegas, he also became the face of several memes floating on the internet. Cage is one of Hollywood's most unique and eccentric figures, having played roles in many hits such as Vampire's Kiss, The Rock, Ghost Rider, and National Treasure.
The star's one-of-a-kind performances, bizarre looks, dramatic gestures, and raving madness have made him a favorite of the internet meme community. Fans have used Cage's photographs and clips from movies to generate some of the best running memes till date. Here is a list of a few that are still relevant years after their creation.
Exploring the origins of five popular Nicolas Cage memes
1) Wrecking Ball edition

Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball parody featuring Nicolas Cage's face has to be one of the most unusual yet funny clips on the internet. The actor's face is pasted onto that of Cyrus' as she mounts the iconic wrecking ball. Cage has previously proven to be a popular choice for crafty photoshoppers.
The seven-second video has had over five million views on YouTube since it was released in 2013. The parody has become an iconic meme and still stands relevant after eight long years.
2) You Don't Say?

Over the years, Cage has been openly mocked for numerous roles in films. For example, a still from the 1988 comedy Vampire's Kiss sparked the hilarious You Don't Say meme, in which Cage wears a dubious facial expression that makes him appear crazy.
A Reddit user finally transformed the snapshot into an outline drawing, and the illustration has now been certified as a Rage Face comic. People cannot browse through any of these social media platforms without seeing a meme titled You Don't Say.
3) A vampire from 1870s on eBay
An eBay item listed by Jack Mord in 2011 was quick to go viral. The item was a 1870s photograph of a Tennessee man with an uncanny resemblance to Nicolas Cage. According to the description, Cage is a vampire who reincarnates every 75 years to avoid being discovered. The item was taken down from the website following the Nic Cage is a Vampire controversy.
The Daily Mail reported that the photo was taken from a Civil War-era picture gallery full of peculiar death images. Not to mention, the star's doppelgänger was never identified.
In February 2012, Cage refuted the report on The Late Show With David Letterman, stating,
"You can’t take pictures of vampires… Now look, I don’t drink blood and the last time I looked in the mirror, I had a reflection.”
4) Your argument is invalid
A still from Nicolas Cage's 2007 science fiction action film title Next sparked questionable one of the most hilarious Cage memes of 2007. With "Your argument is invalid" as a caption at the bottom of the image, the image features the actor in a wig made of a fake bird. The meme is frequently used during online arguments when users wish to state their points without much hassle.
5) Nicolas Cage as Everyone
When people thought adding humorous captions to stolen screenshots from his films wasn't enough, they quickly discovered another strategy to attack the National Treasure star. People quickly began swapping actors' faces with that of Cage's using Photoshop.
The trend quickly went viral, leading to the creation of an actual website, dubbed Nicolas Cage as Everyone, devoted to these photographs. This website is exclusively for people who wonder what the Ghost Rider star might look like as an animal or as a part of the Harry Potter ensemble.
Cage's recent movie The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is set to release on April 22, with the star portraying himself in the movie. These memes are a great starter pack to explore the actor's accomplishments in Hollywood.