In February 2017, a teenage girl named Deserae Turner was shot by her friend in Utah. The accused, Colter Peterson and Jayzon Decker, were charged with aggravated robbery, attempted murder and obstruction of justice, and were sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Lifetime's new true crime series #TextMeWhenYouGetHome will take a look at the shocking case in its latest episode, which will air on the network on Monday, July 11, 2022 at 9 pm ET. The official synopsis of the episode on Rotten Tomatoes reads:
''When Deserae Turner didn't come home after school, her mother and friends began texting her incessantly; a massive search ensued, and 47 of her friends were questioned; her Snapchat turns out to be the key to the mystery.''
Here we take a look at five crucial facts about the shooting ahead of Monday's episode.
#TextMeWhenYouGetHome: 5 byte-sized facts about the Deserae Turner shooting
1) Deserae Turner was friends with Colter Peterson
Per FOX 13, Deserae Turner was friends with Colter Peterson, but she did not know much about the other teenage boy, Jayzon Decker. According to the publication, the only thing she knew about Decker was that he was Peterson's friend. The two boys were reportedly Turner's classmates at Green Canyon High School.
2) Why Colter Peterson and Jayzon Decker plotted to kill Deserae Turner
According to The Salt Lake Tribune, Colter Peterson became annoyed because Turner was messaging him often on Snapchat. His friend Jayzon Decker then suggested that they could kill her. While playing video games, the two decided to lure Turner to a dry canal in Smithfield, Utah, under the false premise of selling a knife.
3) Peterson and Decker also stole from Deserae Turner
When Turner arrived at the location, Decker allegedly pretended to be looking for a missing ring. Peterson then shot her in the back of the head and the two left her to die in the canal. Decker allegedly took the shell casing ''as a memento'', and the two reportedly stole some of Turner's valuables, including her iPod and money.
4) Turner was found by her friends at midnight
The search for Turner soon began, and eight hours after the incident, she was found by two of her friends who tracked down using her cell phone information. She was subsequently taken to a hospital in Salt Lake City where she was put in a medically-induced coma. After she got out of the coma, authorities interviewed her to discuss the shooting.
Turner was shocked upon finding out that it was her friend who shot her.
5) Colter Peterson apologised to Deserae's family
Authorities arrested Colter Peterson and Jayzon Decker and charged them with attempted aggravated murder, aggravated robbery, along with four counts of obstruction of justice. The two were charged as adults.
The police mentioned that Decker's story kept changing multiple times. Per Desert News, Peterson penned a letter of apology to Turner and her family. According to FOX 13, Decker did not express any apparent remorse.
The two were ultimately found guilty and handed 15 years to life in prison. Decker and Peterson won't be eligible for parole for at least 15 years.
Don't miss the upcoming episode of #TextMeWhenYouGetHome on Lifetime on Monday, July 11, 2022.