Boba Fett is an iconic character from the Star Wars universe. The character has been cast on Disney's Hotstar TV show The Book of Boba Fett. The show was loved by viewers all over the world.
If you haven't seen the show by now, you are missing out on something really exciting. Before you get to the show, check out the list of rare facts we have curated for you about the character.
5 rare facts about Boba Fett
1) Boba Fett actually made his debut in 1978
Very few Star Wars fanatics know that this iconic character made his debut in The Star Wars Holiday Special. However, his proper and infamous introduction came a couple of years later in The Empire Strikes Back where he was seen as a part of a group of bounty hunters.
2) Fett never went through any modification
Unlike other clones, Fett had the privilege of having a normal pace of growth. He was never artificially accelerated or pushed to fight at a young age. Last but not least, he never had an inhibitor chip installed in him which could have controlled his behavior.
3) Fett was the one to come out of the sarlacc pit
The sarlaac pit in the Star Wars universe is like hell's deepest point from where no one has managed to escape. Fett was an exception. He was injured, but he somehow managed to come out from the pit. The resurrection of Fett was the result of his popularity, it was what made his creator bring him back.
4) Fett's toy figures are insanely expensive
Though this one does not directly address one of Fett's secrets, it will still fascinate the toy collectors of the Star Wars universe. Fett's figures are very expensive. One of the prototypes was once auctioned for $185,850 at the Hake's Auctions in NYC.
5) A video game was almost made on Fett
The Star Wars franchise has canceled several projects throughout its tenure. One of them was a video game that was based on this iconic character. The game was supposed to be called Star Wars: 1313 and was set on the planet Coruscant. It's pretty unfortunate for gamers and Star Wars fanatics not to find themselves behind the console, controlling the character.