Ever since its inception, the Real Housewives franchise has been entertaining audiences with its larger-than-life personalities, extravagant lifestyles, and, of course, the inevitable drama that unfolds among the Housewives. This drama sometimes spills over to the husbands as well, leading to much-publicized divorces.
From Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann (RHOA season 3) to Kenya Moore and Marc Daly (RHOA season 14), quite a few Real Housewives couples have been subjected to messy divorces.
While viewers tune in for the luxurious vacations, lavish parties, and heated arguments, some of the most controversial moments occur when the fairytale marriages of the Real Housewives crumble, leading to messy divorces that grab headlines and spark intense speculation.
From custody battles to legal scandals, some Real Housewives have experienced divorce proceedings that are anything but amicable. Here's a list of some of the messiest divorces in the history of the franchise.
5 of the worst divorces in the history of Real Housewives
1) Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann
Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann, the stars of Don't Be Tardy, recently made headlines with their messy divorce. The couple filed for full custody of their children, each accusing the other of being unfit parents.
Gambling addictions and drug use allegations have further complicated matters. Adding fuel to the fire, Kim and Kroy faced financial turmoil as their Georgia home entered foreclosure. Despite their shared financial woes, Kroy attempted to legally bar the RHOA star from the property, intensifying their legal battle.
2) Erika Jayne and Tom Girardi
Erika Jayne, featured in the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, also found herself embroiled in a messy divorce from high-profile lawyer Tom Girardi. The divorce unfolded amidst allegations of Tom defrauding clients and embezzling $15 million, leading to his disbarment and bankruptcy.
Questions surrounding Erika's knowledge of Tom's actions, particularly due to her extensive jewelry collection, persisted throughout. This scandal became the subject of a Hulu documentary, with Erika's infamous "Tom's house was broken into..." story generating countless memes for The Real Housewives fans to enjoy.
The legal battle continues, as Tom was recently deemed competent to stand trial, while Erika faced rumors of dating another married lawyer.
3) Teresa Giudice and Joe Giudice
Teresa Giudice, one of the most popular figures in the Real Housewives of New Jersey, faced a tumultuous divorce from her husband, Joe Giudice. The couple's marriage crumbled amid highly-publicized prison sentences for fraud.
After Joe's deportation to Italy, their divorce was finalized in 2020. Teresa has since married Louie Rueles, while Joe's legal issues persist as he is still embroiled in financial disputes.
4) Phaedra Parks and Apollo Nida
Phaedra Parks, the Real Housewives of Atlanta alum, experienced a messy divorce from Apollo Nida. Their separation coincided with Phaedra's firing from the show, and soon after, Apollo's legal troubles took center stage. He faced charges of conspiracy, fraud, and identity theft, resulting in an eight-year prison sentence.
Phaedra, blindsided by Apollo's actions, navigated the divorce while prioritizing their children's well-being. However, Apollo's release from prison didn't mark the end of his legal battles, as he faced accusations of parole violation and unpaid restitution to his victims. Phaedra has moved on with her life, finding love with a doctor and joining the cast of another Bravo series.
5) Kenya Moore and Marc Daly
Kenya Moore, another RHOA alum, has been subjected to a prolonged and messy divorce from her ex-husband, Marc Daly. Even four years after their initial split and two years since officially filing for divorce, Kenya and Marc are still embroiled in court battles.
Marc seeks to keep the trial confidential, while Kenya faces ongoing insults from her ex-partner. Despite the turmoil, Kenya's primary focus remains her daughter, whom she has full custody of. Kenya often refers to the divorce as the "world's longest divorce."
These Real Housewives remind the viewers that even amidst the glitz and glamour, real-life challenges can bring about the messiest of divorces.