The heartbreaking story of Malcolm Scott and Corey Atchison, and their fight for justice, was revisited and explored in the gripping true-crime series Dateline: Secrets Uncovered, in season 11's episode 10. The episode made its arrival exclusively on Oxygen, on Wednesday, December 7, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time.
The episode was titled The Long Road to Freedom. The official synopsis for Dateline: Secrets Uncovered season 11 episode 10, given by Oxygen, read as:
"Two Tulsa, Okla., brothers fight for more than 20 years to prove their innocence after they are convicted for separate murders."
Malcolm Scott and Corey Atchison were two brothers from North Tulsa, Oklahoma, who were both wrongfully arrested and convicted by authorities. However, they fought their way back to freedom.
Ever since the news of episode 10 of Dateline: Secrets Uncovered season 11 was released by Oxygen, the audience of the true-crime series has been quite eager to learn all about the two brothers' journey to freedom.
5 significant facts about the Malcolm Scott and Corey Atchison case
1) Who are Malcolm Scott and Corey Atchison?
Malcolm Scott and Corey Atchison are two brothers who grew up in poverty-stricken conditions in a black neighborhood in North Tulsa, Oklahoma. They were surrounded by individuals involved in drug abuse and gang rivalries, living dangerous lives and breaking laws.
Corey Atchison was reportedly associated with a gang in his community. In 1990, Atchison was arrested. At the time, his brother Malcolm Scott was just a young teenager. After Corey's arrest, Malcolm also became associated with a gang in his locality. Later on, in 1994, Scott was arrested and convicted by authorities as well.
2) Why was Corey Atchison arrested?
Corey Atchison was wrongfully accused of murder and arrested in 1990. A man named James Warren Lane was brutally shot to death in his locality on August 3, 1990, and Corey simply stopped his car to help the man, while asking others to call 911.
Corey even stayed on the spot until the police arrived and cooperated with the police in every way possible. However, a couple of months after the horrifying incident took place, Corey Atchison was arrested by the police after members of his rival gang wrongfully testified against him, claiming he shot the victim.
He went on to receive a sentence of life imprisonment for a crime he did not commit. Corey was aged just 20 years at the time of his arrest.
3) Why was Malcolm Scott arrested?
In 1994, Malcolm Scott was arrested on false charges after Karen Summers, a 9-year-old boy was murdered and two other individuals were severely injured in a drive-by shooting in the community of North Tulsa, Oklahoma. Scott was just 17 years of age at the time of his arrest.
Initially, authorities arrested and convicted Michael Lee Williams for the murder of Karen Summers. He was the one who was driving the car and had the gun that killed the boy in his possession.
However, when authorities began to suspect Malcolm Scott and another individual named De’Marchoe Carpenter as a directly involved party in the murder case, Michael Lee Williams wrongfully testified against them for a reduced charge. Other witnesses also gave false testimony, claiming they witnessed Scott and Carpenter in the car at the time of the shooting.
Hence, in 1997, Scott and Carpenter were arrested and convicted for a crime they were not involved in. The court sentenced them to a lifetime behind bars and 170 years more.
4) How did Malcolm Scott get back his freedom?
After his arrest, Scott continued to claim his innocence. After years of struggling inside prison, Eric Cullen, who was a private detective, was the first to believe that Scott was innocent. Thereafter, the private detective went on to seek help from Oklahoma’s Innocence Project and was successful in involving it in the case.
With the help of the project, the case was again opened and several witnesses came forward to change their testimony about Scott, claiming they were forced by authorities to wrongfully testify against him. In 2014, Michael Lee Williams also changed his testimony, claiming that Scott and Carpenter were not in his car at the time of the shooting.
After a long battle with justice, Scott and Carpenter were freed from all charges against them in 2016.
5) How did Corey Atchison get back his freedom?
From the very beginning of his arrest, Corey Atchison maintained his innocence, however, he was believed by no one. He struggled to get justice for himself for nearly 28 years. But his dreams and hopes of getting his freedom back came true after his brother Malcolm Scott got his freedom.
In 2019, an evidentiary hearing reportedly disclosed the flaws in the case against him by the state, and a judge eventually overturned his lifetime imprisonment sentence. Corey Atchison was declared innocent in front of his entire family and friends.
Watch the moving story of Malcolm Scott and Corey Atchison in episode 10 of Dateline: Secrets Uncovered season 11, which airs on Wednesday, December 7, at 8:00 pm ET, exclusively on Oxygen.