5 top Warner Bros. movies of all time

The Clockwork Orange, The Matrix, Inception
The Clockwork Orange, The Matrix, Inception (Image via. IMDb)

April 2023 marked the 100 years of Warner Bros pictures; from Casablanca to The Matrix, the studio has come a long way to become one of the biggest production and distribution houses globally.

Founded in 1923, Warner Studios not only produces and delivers its own films but also takes care of the distribution, marketing, and promotion for other labels under it, including Warner Animation Group, New Line Cinema, DC Studios, and Castle Rock Entertainment.

Over the years, Warner Bros has been known for many notable films like Zodiac, Lord of the Rings, the Harry Potter franchise, and many more. Many other classics like My Fair Lady, Casablanca, and Goodfellas have also come out of this legendary production house.

To celebrate this, a collection of 4 documentaries will come out under 100 Years of Warner Bros, which will feature big stars like George Clooney, Oprah Winfrey, and Tim Burton.

Top 5 Warner Bros movies that can’t be missed

1) A Clockwork Orange


Based on the postmodern dystopian masterpiece of Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange will truly go down in history as a classic movie of all time.

It follows Alex, a psychopath who partakes in various heinous crimes before being detained by the government. He takes part in an experiment to lessen his sentence, but it goes downhill for him when the experiment turns out not to be what he thought he was prepared for. Directed by Stanley Kubrick, this is definitely one of the best movies by Warner Bros.

Although, at the time of release, it was met with mixed reviews, with Roger Ebert calling it an "ideological mess,” the film was a massive box office success. On a budget of $1.3 million, it grossed $41 million in the US alone. The opening scene of Alex and his friend drinking milk is still a pretty cult meme among movie buffs.

2) The Matrix


Possibly one of the biggest hits from Warner Bros that took everyone by storm is The Matrix. It gained the status of a classic film among sci-fi movie watchers; the first film saw such an epic success that it went on to have three more sequels.

The movie follows Neo, who is reluctantly thrust between a war of humans, AI, and computers, the latter have constructed an alternate reality called 'The Matrix' to keep humans subdued and provide energy for their system. Now Neo must decide if he is ready to join the war waged by Morpheus and his team to save mankind from a bleak future.

It definitely popularized the cyberpunk genre in mainstream films and had a huge influence on pop culture. To this day, the analogy of the red pill, the blue pill, and the glitch in the matrix are popular across social media. It was highly successful not just at the box office but among critics as well. With a budget of $63 million, it went on to earn $460 million worldwide.

3) The Shining


Another Stanley Kubrick masterpiece, this movie was based on the master of horror Stephen King’s novel of the same name. The movie follows Jack Torrence, who accepts a position in the historic Overlook Hotel during the off-season with his wife and children. The movie shows us the deteriorating mental sanity of Jack due to the supernatural forces that are omnipresent in the hotel. Slowly, we see Jack’s descent into complete madness and becoming a murderous maniac.

The movie is definitely another classic that came out of Warner Bros. Although it is now deemed an iconic movie, initially, the critical response was not that favorable, with two controversial award nominations for 'Worst Director' and 'Worst Actress' at Razzles. However, with time the response became much more positive, with critics lauding the movie as one of the greatest horror masterpieces of all time.

The movie was only released on ten screens and managed to gross $622,337 and had one of the highest-grossing opening weekends.

4) The Dark Knight


The Dark Knight from Warner Bros changed the way people look at DC and superhero movies in general altogether. One of the last performances by the late legendary Heath Ledger, this movie still rules popular culture with an iron fist.

The movie follows the story arc of Batman and his nemesis, The Joker. Directed by Christopher Nolan, the movie had tremendous success not just at the box office but in the hearts of audiences and critics alike.

From the screenplay to the development of the plot -- everything had minute attention from both Nolan and Warner Bros., which is why some of the scenes and the dialogues are still popular to this day. The Dark Knight had a highest-grossing opening weekend at the time, breaking every record with $238.6 million in box office collections.

5) Inception


Another Nolan masterpiece, Inception from Warner Bros, truly changed how fans looked at the sci-fi genre, pushing it to its utmost limits.

The movie follows Cobb, who is a professional thief and targets the subconscious of people to extract information. One of his target, Saito, is so impressed with this abilities that he offers to wipe out Cobb’s criminal history in exchange for him infiltrating the subconscious of his competitor. The story follows if Cobb and his team will be able to perform and come out of it safely.

This movie is one of the most acclaimed movies of Warner Bros; with a budget of $160 million; it grossed $825 million worldwide. Inception made such a turnover on the opening weekend itself that it became the second highest-grossing sci-fi film that was not a sequel, adaptation, or remake, falling just behind Avatar.

The first two-part of 100 Years of Warner Bros is set to debut in Cannes 2023 on May 24 and will be available to stream on May 25 on HBO Max (now just Max in the US). The last two parts will be available on June 1 for streaming as well.

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Edited by Abhipsa Choudhury
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