Eddie Munson, played by actor Joseph Quinn in the superhit Netflix series Stranger Things, suffered a poignantly sacrificial death at the end of Season 4. His journey on the show came to a tragic end after a rampaging battle against Vecna.
Eddie is seen dying in the arms of Dustin Henderson in the season-finale, bringing an end to the journey of a fan-favorite character. His death, as one would expect, resulted in constant questions about his potential return.
The rumors have only benefited as the show creator, Ross Duffer, recently teased a mystery character who is set to join the upcoming Season 5 of the show. This has led to fans creating a number of theories that could result in Eddie Munson’s return in Stranger Things.
While it is obviously in the realm of possibility considering the vast array of supernatural content that Stranger Things focuses on, the showrunners might simply be looking to move forward with the overall direction of the series. Regardless, we look at 6 obvious ways in which Stranger Things can still achieve, in a believable fashion, a return for Eddie Munson.
Note: Some parts of this article are subjective and only reflect the writer's opinions.
6 ways Eddie Munson can be part of Stranger Things Season 5
1. A flashback
One of the most obvious and straightforward ways in which fans can see Eddie Munson in Season 5 of Stranger Things is in the form of flashbacks. The show has till now stuck to generating permanence around the deaths of the characters that have perished on the show.
While Munson’s is arguably the biggest death seen in the show until now, a change in direction will be needed in order to bring him back to life. In addition, the fact that Munson perished recently in Season 4 may suggest that a permanent return is simply not on the cards.
However, he can still be part of various scenes that delve into the past, making it the most obvious way of a potential return.
2. Eleven brings him back to life
Moving on, another obvious way in which Eddie Munson can be brought back to life is via the defeat of Vecna. Eleven is the most obvious candidate to defeat Vecna, and her mysterious powers have only become more powerful lately.
Rumors have persisted that the killing of the antagonist might result in all of her victims returning to life in the real world. While that may not be true, it does give potential hope for the return of Eddie. However, it will also open doors to a range of previously forgotten characters making a return.
3. Time Travel
Another theory that potentially opens up a lot of wormholes is time travel. It is one of the few sci-fi elements that Stranger Things has not dealt with till date, at least directly. However, with Vecna seemingly proving impossible to defeat once and for all, the show might even end up going on a lengthy and ambitious route of integrating time travel.
Straight from the MCU, time travel will give the teenage protagonists of the show a clear method of getting ahead of the interdimensional monster. It will also potentially lead to the return of fan-favorite Eddie Munson, even though a range of other consequences are bound to follow.
This theory might prove false simply because of the kind of storyline integrations it will require.
4. Eddie Munson is trapped in Vecna’s Mindscape
While Munson surely found death in the real world, the fact that it happened at the hands of Vecna means that there is still potential for his return. This is because in the past as well, a range of characters have been held captive in Vecna’s Mindscape, where life forces can be kept by the interdimensional being.
Again, while this theory suggests a more believable way in which Munson can still return to the series, it will also occur with a seeming change of direction. Munson’s death in Season 4 proved to be the most obvious story arc to come out of the season. Hence, such a quick, and obvious way of him remaining alive might not be well-received by viewers.
5. Eddie Munson is a Vampire
Well, while Munson is one of the most favorite characters on the show, there are several questions that revolve around him as well. This includes the fact that he continues to be friends with high-school students, has no actual career plans, and how his only family appears to be his uncle.
Taking into account the fact that Eddie Munson seemingly lives on his own despite being young himself, the theory that he is actually a vampire has actually been around for quite some time. This would mean that he is immune to Demobats, which might mean that he is not dead, and may return in the upcoming Stranger Things Season.
6. Eddie Munson faked his death
Apart from the above, Munson is also accused by parts of the town of being a satanist, simply due to his love for heavy metal and D&D. That, in addition to the fact that he was accused of Chrissy's murder, may mean that he simply found a way to fake his death, and might yet return in the final battle against Vecna.
Munson was even targeted by a murderous mob who was convinced he was responsible for all the deaths that initially happened in Hawkins. This may have forced his hand to fake his own death, leading to a potential return to happen in the upcoming Season 5.
Hence, while Munson seems to be a thing of the past for Stranger Things fans, there are a number of ways in which he can still make a return to the show. While some of them do not actually involve him being brought back to life, a couple of methods do. Of course, fans will eventually find out for themselves.
Stranger Things Season 5 is likely to be released in late 2024, or early 2025. The official announcement of its release date can be expected in due time.