Starting an out-of-this-world adventure, the 2023 show School Spirits has caught viewers' eye and created a lively following on Reddit. As fans analyze every ghostly aspect, theories fly around, unraveling the mysterious storyline of the show's supernatural plot.
From Mr. Martin's creepy abilities to the haunting experiments on the dead students, the Reddit thread about the show reveals a world where the line between the living and the dead is blurry and full of mind-blowing possibilities.
Here, fans can dive into seven exciting theories from the online community's imagination, revealing the hidden secrets of School Spirits.
School Spirits theories from Reddit that will blow your mind
1. Veil manipulation: Mr. Martin's puppeteer power
The folks on Reddit think that Mr. Martin has a talent for messing with the barrier between the living and the dead. They believe he can do more than talk to ghosts - he might even be able to control stuff in the real world to achieve his mysterious objectives.
As people dig into this theory, they're left wondering just how far Mr. Martin's powers reach in both realms.
2. Unseen experimentation: Failed possession or tragic experiments?
Some people on Reddit are saying that the deaths of students in School Spirits might not have been accidents. They think Mr. Martin might have used them as guinea pigs for some creepy supernatural experiment, like trying to possess them. It would make Mr. Martin seem even more manipulative and sinister if that's true.
3. Simon's delusion: Is Maddie truly alive?
There's a crazy School Spirits theory about Simon and Maddie. Some folks believe that Simon might think Maddie is still alive since he can't see any other ghosts. This way of looking at things brings a whole new level of psychology to the story.
4. Notebooks and manipulation: Mr. Martin's imprint on the living world
The Reddit thread talks about the importance of Mr. Martin's notes and suggests that they haven't reset in the ghost realm. People discuss that Mr. Martin can mess with the real world or even take over living people to write these notes.
This in School Spirits theory leads to understanding how much power Mr. Martin has beyond the ghostly realm, maybe even leaving a lasting impact on the living.
5. Ghost world alterations: Mr. Martin's control over physical elements
The talk about Mr. Martin's knack for trapping ghosts in the fallout shelter leads to a hunch that he can control things in the ghost realm.
This idea suggests that Mr. Martin can change real-life incidents, making School Spirits fans wonder how much control he has over everything and how it connects to what happens to the characters.
6. Time-defying possession: Mr. Martin's experiments across decades
An interesting theory about Mr. Martin's connection to the stuff that belonged to the dead students. Some Redditors think he collected those items in real life, not in some ghost world, maybe even way back in the day.
This makes School Spirits fans wonder what kind of person Mr. Martin is and if he can somehow control time, messing with things way before now.
7. Ghostly bond: Mr. Martin and Janet's shared history
The idea that Mr. Martin and Janet might have been the original ghosts at school is why people on Reddit are speculating about their strong connection and how it could have influenced the events.
Watch School Spirits on Prime Video, Peacock, Netflix, Apple TV Plus, Apple TV, and Crunchyroll.