Embark on a journey through the cosmic aftermath of Loki Season 2's mind-blowing ending, where the Marvel Cinematic Universe weaves many unanswered questions and intriguing mysteries together. As the TVA undergoes transformative shifts, the audience ponders the intricacies of the Time War and the enigmatic fate of Ravonna Renslayer.
The TVA, which used to be serious and in charge, is shaking things up with some reforms. This gets viewers curious about how they're going to do things now. As they explore changes, fans can't help but wonder what's up with Miss Minutes and the new character Victor Timely.
Big questions left unanswered at the end of Loki Season 2
1) What's the deal with the Time War?
Fans got hints in Loki Season 2, but no real deep dive. As the MCU keeps growing, maybe Avengers: The Kang Dynasty and Avengers: Secret Wars will finally spill the beans on what happened in that crazy conflict.
2) What will happen to the TVA moving forward?
In Loki Season 2, they undergo significant changes, going from being rigid and oppressive to becoming protectors of the multiverse. But audiences don't know the nitty-gritty details of how they handle variants, fight against Kang's crew, and take all these intrusions.
3) What happens to Ravonna Renslayer?
In the Loki season 2 finale, things get weird for her. She ends up in this crazy place called Alioth's realm, and we have no idea what her role in Kang's story is. Do you think she'll cross paths with Kang? And what's up with that mysterious bronze symbol, and how does it affect her future?
4) Has Miss Minutes changed now?
In Loki Season 2, she starts showing her true colors, making us wonder if her reform is genuine. We're all curious about when and how she'll return and if she'll return to being a villain, making the MCU even more unpredictable.
5) How does Mobius fit into Deadpool 3?
Agent Mobius, who plays a crucial role in Loki Season 2, is rumored to embark on a fresh adventure in Deadpool 3. The unanswered questions about Mobius's part in the movie are pretty intriguing. It makes fans wonder how his time in the TVA will affect his interactions with Deadpool and Wolverine, leading to a new storyline.
6) What will happen to Victor Timely?
He's an exciting Kang variant from the 1920s; fans don't know what will happen with him. The Season 2 finale leaves us hanging, returning to his childhood. His messed-up childhood might affect the multiverse.
7) Did Loki beat He Who Remains in the end?
Loki's clever move shakes things up in the multiverse, denting He Who Remains' control. But fans and critics are unsure what's up with He Who Remains and if he might return. So, did Loki win, or is this just a little hiccup in the grand cosmic plan?
8) Is Loki's new multiverse better?
Loki becoming the God of Stories brings a fresh vision for the MCU, but viewers can't help but doubt this untested multiverse. Are Loki's claims of making things better legit, or will unexpected problems and outcomes change the story?
A brief recap of Loki season 2 finale
In the finale of Loki Season 2, viewers were treated to some mind-blowing narratives. Being a time wizard, Loki pulled off a move where he switched places with Victor Timely as the Temporal Loom was falling apart. He destroyed the whole thing, transforming into the Almighty God of Stories. Using his powers, Loki brought dying timelines back to life.
Mobius decided to leave to explore a different timeline with a version of himself. The most mind-blowing part was when Loki broke all the rules and became the embodiment of the multiverse. It all went down in an episode called Glorious Purpose, with Loki at the center of it all, sitting in the heart of Yggdrasil, the World Tree.
Watch the story unfold in Loki Season 2 on Disney+.