Netflix's new fantasy movie A Boy Called Christmas tells the story of a boy named Nikolas who sets out on an adventure to find his father and the fabled village of Elfhelm. He is accompanied on his journey by a talking pet mouse, Miika, and a reindeer named Blitzen. Together they venture into the land of the fabled elves.
Director Gil Kenan has proven himself yet again with his amazing fantasy world-building. The fantastic cast, set design, animation and visual effects entrances the viewer from the beginning and transports them to the world of fairytales. A Boy Called Christmas is now available to stream on Netflix.
An Introduction to 'A Boy Called Christmas'
A Boy called Christmas tells the tale of an ordinary young boy called Nikolas who sets out on an adventure into the snowy north in search of his father. His father had initially set out on a quest to discover the fabled village of the elves, Elfhelm. Instead he stumles upon 'hope' and a curious thing called 'Christmas', which he brings back to the world of humans.
Ending explained: The Truth pixie is revealed
A Boy Called Christmas is a story within a story. In the beginning of the film the narrator, an elderly Aunt Ruth, is introduced. She sits her nephews and niece down to tell them the origin story of Christmas. Thus begins the adventurous journey of Nikolas. Nikolas succeeds in the mission his father had set out on and brings to the kingdom the 'hope' that the king had asked for.
Armed with a sack full of toys and accompanied by his flying reindeer and talking mouse, Nikolas embarks on a journey going from house to house, distributing toys he had brought from the land of elves.
The movie ends with Aunt Ruth finishing her story and the father of the children arriving. Due to their mother's passing, the family had decided to not celebrate Christmas that year. However, when they walk into the dining hall, they find the room decorated for Christmas, as if by magic.
Aunt Ruth takes her leave and walks out, leaving the family to celebrate by themselves. The final scene shows her walking down the street as she snaps her fingers and fireworks explode lighting up the night sky. The burst of colors and light is very similar to the firecrackers that the 'Truth Pixie' in her story had up her sleeves.
Moreover, throughout her narration, Aunt Ruth keeps repeating the phrase 'I never lie' whenever the children ask her questions. The Truth Pixie too was a creature who could never tell a lie and that led her into trouble.
Though the movie does not explicitly declare Aunt Ruth as the Truth Pixie, these small hints validate the claim that she was indeed the Truth pixie who helped Nikolas in his journey.
With Christmas coming up, A Boy Called Christmas is the perfect movie to watch for all ages. Catch it streaming on Netflix from today.