A Business Proposal has been receiving immense popularity since it first aired on television. The K-Drama is a real-life adaptation of the Webtoon series of the same name. Apart from the series’ romantic and comedy scenes, the series has been gaining attention for its smart use of embedded marketing as well.
The Korean drama has also received positive viewership ratings in a short time, not only in Korea but also worldwide. Unsurprisingly, the content companies behind it are soaring with success.
Netflix, Kakao, and Cross Pictures, which have participated in the production and streaming services of the K-Drama series, are booming with success and are celebrating the momentous achievement.
A Business Proposal evaluated as "super intellectual property"
A Business Proposal was released on February 28, 2022, and has been widely praised by viewers. The series currently has a 4.9 viewership rating on Google and has clocked in as Netflix’s most-watched K-Drama for the second week in a row from March 21 to 27 with 30.5 million hours viewed.
Before the real-life adaptation of the K-Drama series, the Webtoon serialization and web novels of A Business Proposal had fans engrossed in its storyline and romantic content. It is now also a hit as a live-action drama and has been evaluated as a successful case of “super intellectual property” (IP).
According to a report by FlixPatrol, on March 31, 2022, the series snagged the top spots in 21 countries. It also ranked #1 in the non-English drama category for the third and fourth week consecutively on the official site 'Netflix Top 10,' which reveals Netflix’s trending and most-popular shows in real-time.
Kakao Entertainment is also benefiting from the series' popularity through Netflix. Fans of the K-Drama series are flocking to Kakao’s Webtoon and web novel website, Kakao Page, to read the original Webtoon and when novel series to get experience of the vivid comic.
According to Kakao Entertainment, the Webtoon version has been completed, but it was released again for viewers to re-read it during real-time streaming. The number of views increased 10-fold in Thailand compared to the airing on Netflix, and 13 times in Indonesia and Taiwan, making it the #1 most-read Webtoon.
Kakao Entertainment, which previously invented the series as a global IP, stated that its own experts have secured a global fanbase through translation and localization of the series in each country’s preference and sentiments.
Cross Pictures, which took part in the production of A Business Proposal, also entered the limelight. Kakao Entertainment invested a huge amount of 5.8 billion Korean Won in 2020 and made futuristic investments to make the Webtoon into a series. Ever since its release, the two companies have secured positive output for their collaboration and production.
A Business Proposal, which airs every Monday and Tuesday on SBS and Netflix at 10:30 pm KST, will release the last two episodes, 11 and 12, on April 4 and 5, respectively.
Till date, only season 1 of the series has been released and further production of the K-Drama series has not been in discussion, though fans can read the full Webtoon and web novel on Kakao Page.