Netflix's upcoming Swedish thriller movie, A Day and a Half, is all set to premiere on the streaming platform on Friday, September 1, 2023. The movie centers around a man who's desperate to meet his daughter and goes on to kidnap her from the medical center where his wife works.
Check out the official synopsis of the film, as per Netflix's YouTube channel:
''To reunite with his daughter, Artan (Alexej Manvelov) takes his ex-wife Louise (Alma Pöysti) hostage and embarks on a thrilling and emotion-charged road trip with her and police officer Lukas (Fares Fares). The journey takes them through rural Sweden during a hot summer, all while having police on their heels.''
A Day and a Half stars Alexej Manvelov in the lead role, along with various others portraying significant supporting characters. The movie is helmed by Fares Fares, who's also written the script with Peter Smirnakos.
Netflix's A Day and a Half cast list: Alexej Manvelov and others to star in new Swedish thriller
1) Alexej Manvelov as Artan
Alexej Manvelov plays the lead role of Artan in Netflix's A Day and a Half. Artan is a highly volatile man who's desperate to meet his daughter and decides to take his wife hostage, following which they set out on an eventful road trip. His complicated equation with his family forms the crux of the story.
Manvelov looks quite impressive in the film's trailer, as he brilliantly portrays his character's numerous complex shades with astonishing ease. Viewers can expect him to deliver a powerful performance in the film. His other notable acting credits include Undercover, Stockholm Requiem, The Pink Cloud Syndrome, and many more.
2) Alma Pöysti as Louise
Alma Pöysti dons the role of Louise in the new Swedish thriller film. Louise is Alexej's estranged wife, who's taken hostage by him as he's desperate to reunite with his daughter. Their relationship is at the heart of the story, and it'll be interesting to see how Louise's character is explored in the movie.
Pöysti looks brilliant in the movie's trailer and promises to deliver a memorable performance. She's previously appeared in other films and TV shows like Blackwater, Four Little Adults, Spiral, and The Explosion of a Swimming Ring, to name a few.
3) Fares Fares as Lukas
Fares Fares plays the character of Lukas in A Day and a Half. Lukas is a police officer who's on a road trip with Artan and Louise. Apart from that, not many other details pertaining to his character are known at this point, but viewers can expect him to play a significant role in the story. As an actor, Fares is known for his performances in Cairo Conspiracy, The Contractor, Partisan, and The Purity of Vengeance, among many others.
Apart from the aforementioned actors, the film also features various others portraying crucial supporting/minor roles such as:
- Annika Hallin as Dr. Gardelius
- Annica Liljeblad
- Stina Ekblad as Wanja
- Johni Tadi as Dr. Yakoub
- Tobias Carlsson as a Police Officer
- Bengt C.W. Carlsson as Stefan
Viewers can stream A Day and a Half on Netflix on Friday, September 1, 2023.