BET+'s upcoming Christmas film, A Miracle Before Christmas, is set to air on the network on Thursday, December 8, 2022. The film tells the story of a charming relationship therapist who desperately looks to salvage her marriage. Here's the official synopsis of the movie, as per BET Press Room:
''With a little help from an angel, Mercedes Wright, a fast-talking popular relationship therapist with all the answers when it comes to fixing everyone else’s marriage, must now use the magic of Christmas to find the secret to save her own.''
The film features LeToya Luckett in the lead role alongside Romeo Miller and others playing significant supporting roles. A Miracle Before Christmas is written and directed by LazRael Lison.
BET+'s A Miracle Before Christmas cast: LeToya Luckett and others promise to deliver holiday cheer
1) LeToya Luckett as Mercedes Wright
LeToya Luckett plays the lead role of Mercedes Wright in A Miracle Before Christmas. Wright is a reputed relationship therapist who now needs to protect her own deteriorating marriage. Luckett dominates the trailer with his charming screen presence and displays her character's energy and enthusiasm with stunning ease.
Apart from A Miracle Before Christmas, LeToya Luckett has starred in Until We Meet Again, Down for Whatever, Line Sisters, and Greenleaf, to name a few.
2) Romeo Miller as Matthew Wright
Actor Romeo Miller portrays the role of Matthew Wright in the new Christmas film on BET+. Wright is Mercedes' husband, and the couple seems to be going through a rough patch in their marriage. Miller looks brilliant in the trailer and shares great onscreen chemistry with LeToya Luckett.
Romeo Miller, a noted rapper, has also appeared in quite a few films and shows like Famous in Love, I Got the Hook Up 2, American Fright Fest, and many more.
3) Keith David as David
Keith David dons the role of David in A Miracle Before Christmas. David appears briefly in the film's trailer, but details about his character are not revealed. Some of Keith David's most memorable appearances were in Remember Me: The Mahalia Jackson Story, The Seventh Day, and Horizon Line, to name a few.
Apart from the actors mentioned above, A Miracle Before Christmas also features many other actors in important supporting/minor roles, including:
- Porscha Coleman as Faith
- Jasper Cole as James Maxwell
- Tatiana Chekhova as Eleanor
- Tyler Clark as Candy
- Shelli Boone as Sandra
BET's YouTube channel dropped the official trailer for the movie on December 2, 2022, offering a peek into protagonist Mercedes' immensely complicated life. Mercedes is a famous relationship therapist who manages to solve various relationship-related problems, but struggles to salvage her own marriage.
The trailer shows her arguing with her husband, Matthew, as she tells him that she wants to focus on her career while not compromising on her marriage. Based on the trailer and synopsis, fans can expect a layered, emotional family drama similar in tone to BET's other popular films like The Sound of Christmas and Rolling Into Christmas.
You can watch A Miracle Before Christmas on BET+ on Thursday, December 8, 2022.