MTV aired episode 9 of Siesta Key: Miami Moves season 5 on Thursday, December 29 at 8 pm ET. In the episode, Chloe spoke to her husband, Chris, about Sam's "loser mentality." In the past, Chloe had told others about Sam's "partying" lifestyle, and when he tried to confront her, she and Chris asked him to walk away. Chloe complained to Chris about Amanda, her friend, hanging out with Sam at his "slumber parties."
She said that Sam acted like his money could buy him anything and judged Jordana for being too involved in Sam's world. Later, she called Amanda a "trashy bi**h" for spending time with Sam (their best friend, Juliette's ex-boyfriend) and slammed her for using his personal trainer to exercise.
Chloe reminded Amanda that she was hanging out with "toxic" people who were a bad influence on her and said they were not doing anything in their life, calling other cast members "losers." Chloe also asked Amanda to get a job and felt she did not even care about her reputation.
Siesta Key: Miami Moves fans slammed Chloe for judging her friends.
Siesta Key: Miami Moves fans feel Cloe is a bad friend
At an event, Chloe accused Amanda of talking behind her back and asked her to move out of her home. Chloe had asked Amanda to stay with her and Chris for the summer. Amanda tried to clear everything up with Juliette but was angry at Chloe for getting in between. Chloe grew angry when Amanda brought Chris between the conversation and started to push the table.
Amanda told Juliette nothing happened between her and Sam, which Chloe did not tell her best friend. Siesta Key: Miami Moves fans felt that Chloe was a terrible friend who judges everyone.
What happened on Siesta Key: Miami Moves season 5, episode 9?
MTV's description of the episode titled How Do You Know It's Toxic? reads,
"Juliette and Chloe become frustrated by Amanda's disloyal actions; Jordana and Sam's relationship is strained when Jordana finally starts listening to the words of wisdom from her friends."
This week on Siesta Key: Miami Moves, Jordana and Juliette met each other for drinks and talked about their lives. Juliette told Jordana that Amanda was a bad friend and asked her about the whole situation. Jordana, who stayed at Sam's house, told her that Amanda had slept at Sam's place multiple times, but so did many other girls.
Jordana complained about never getting space and other girls taking her swimsuits without asking her. Sam grew upset when he came to know about the meeting and reminded Jordana of Juliette's intentions and how she used to look down upon them.
At an event, the two friends got into an argument, and Jordana told Sam that she was not waiting for him to start dating her. Sam felt that this was Juliette's influence on her and told her to talk to him at home. Brandon was offered a big music deal but was asked to leave Miami for the same. He was concerned about going to Tampa and leaving his friend Teenear.
Fresh episodes of Siesta Key: Miami Moves air on MTV every Wednesday at 8 pm ET.