Hallmark's new romantic comedy movie, A Pinch of Portugal, will arrive on the channel on Saturday, April 22, 2023. The film tells the story of a prep cook who needs to salvage a show after a prominent celebrity chef walks off. She subsequently teams up with an Australian cameraperson and a Portuguese location scout.
Check out Hallmark's official description of the show:
''When a celebrity chef walks off his show, prep cook Anna must step into the spotlight and make the show her own, with the help of her Aussie cameraman and Portuguese location scout.''
The movie features Heather Hemmens in the lead role, along with various others portraying significant supporting roles. The film is directed by Clare Niederpruem and written by Nicole Baxter.
Hallmark's A Pinch of Portugal cast list: Heather Hemmens and others to feature in new romantic comedy film
1) Heather Hemmens as Anna
Heather Hemmens portrays the lead role of Anna in Hallmark's A Pinch of Portugal. Anna is a prep cook who ensures that the restaurant's service remains smooth after a celebrity chef walks out. She soon teams up with a handsome cameraman from Australia and a charming Portuguese location scout.
Hemmens look charming and impressive in the film's trailer and promises to deliver a memorable performance in the movie. Apart from A Pinch of Portugal, Hemmens has starred in several movies and shows over the years like Roswell, New Mexico, Christmas in My Heart, Caribbean Summer, and Dad Stop Embarrassing Me!, to name a few.
2) Luke Mitchell as Russ
Luke Mitchell plays the role of Russ in the new romantic comedy movie. Russ is the Australian cameraman that Anna is working with on the show. He seems to be a good friend of Anna's, and it'll be interesting to see how their equation pans out in the movie.
Luke Mitchell has previously appeared in other popular films and TV shows like Big Sky, The Code, and Tom Clancy's Without Remorse, among many more.
3) Duarte Gomes as Lucas
Noted Portuguese actor Duarte Gomes dons the role of Lucas in A Pinch of Portugal. He's the Portuguese location scout working with Anna. Based on the sneak peek of the film, the two seem to share a romantic spark, and it'll be fascinating to watch how their equation evolves throughout the movie.
Gomes looks charming and charismatic in the sneak peek, promising to deliver a memorable performance in the film. His other notable film and TV acting credits include For You, Massa Fresca, Offline, Jogo Duplo, and many more.
Apart from Heather Hemmens, Luke Mitchell, and Duarte Gomes, the movie also stars various others in crucial supporting/minor characters like:
- Johnna Dias-Watson as Brooklyn
- Amy Louise Pemberton as Hope
- Eric Geynes as Hugo
- Michael Monicatti as Cooper
- André Gago as Duarte
The official preview for A Pinch of Portugal offers a peek into protagonist Anna's equation with her two beloved friends, Duarte and Russ. Not many key details are revealed, but viewers can expect a heartwarming romantic comedy.
Don't miss A Pinch of Portugal on the Hallmark Channel on Saturday, April 22, 2023, at 8 pm ET.