Abbott Elementary is the most recent show on the ABC network. The mockumentary-styled sitcom is ready to air its first episode on December 7, 2021. The show will bring its unique focus to the US public school system and the results are supposed to be very interesting.
The subtle style of comedy already looks exciting. So does the show's premise, which follows a group of passionate school teachers who are part of the Philadelphia Public School's staff. They do their best to fight the various challenges of working in a public institution, like underfunding, overcrowding, and general lack of discipline.
The pilot episode should introduce these ideas and the teachers who take on these seemingly insurmountable challenges.
'Abbott Elementary' dives into some of the major roadblocks in public education
Abbott Elementary is ready to begin a mid-season run with the first episode, likely titled "Pilot." This is common among TV shows and the creators of Abbott Elementary have promised a "special premiere."
The first preview of the pilot episode took place last Saturday night with the cast members. Quinta Brunson, the creator and a lead actor in the series, posted about this on her Instagram, remarking:
"Saturday night at the @abbottelemabc premiere."
Of course, we have yet to know how the show is faring up, but it is not long before we do. The premiere looks to be a success.
What to expect from the first episode?
Since there is no story from which the show will pick up, it is hard to predict what the first episode will be like. However, since it's a pilot, certain things can be expected. Tomorrow's episode will most likely be an introductory one that will familiarize us with the cast members and their roles in the school.
The episode will also shed light on the setting and the initial challenges teachers face in their quest to provide quality education to children at Philadelphia Public School. The episode may also introduce the themes of social inequality and neglect faced by students in the public sector of education.
The comic style seems to focus on awkwardness in the characters, much like we have seen earlier in The Office and Modern Family, as evident from ABC's promo.
Abbott Elementary will air on ABC at 9:30 p.m. ET and stream on Hulu.