Abbott Elementary returns with a second episode after a long gap following its premiere in December 2021. The show just aired its second episode titled 'Light Bulb' and it is clear that Abbott Elementary desires to shed light on social issues while creating an awkward comedy that defines the new sitcom era.
The latest episode deals with Janine's (Quinta Brunson) attempt to fix everything at once even if she has to do it single-handedly. Though this episode is filled with laugh-out-loud moments, it clearly addresses the ways in which the public school system fails staff and students.
Tackling the problems of 'Abbott Elementary'
All the teachers in Abbott Elementary are depicted as being extremely dedicated. This is a trait that is essential in order to survive the environment and challenges of working in an under-funded and overpopulated public school. Janine, in particular, has the drive to do it all.
This episode picks up from the previous one's hilarious incident with Principal Barbara (Sheryl Lee Ralph) wasting the entire budget dedicated to the school's development on a poster.
The school's state remains the same, and Janine's instinct kicks off after she sees a flickering light bulb. However, other problems surface during her quest to fix this lightbulb, and Janine tries to take immediate action. However, changes do not come easy in a government funded school and that forms the crux of the second episode of Abbott Elementary.
Another plot line prevalent in the episode is one involving Gregory (Tyler James William). When Gregory needs to talk to the parents of one of the students, he asks for help from the most experienced one around, Barbara.
From the two episodes, viewers have pretty much figured out that any scene involving Barbara would have to be hilarious. As Barbara asks Gregory to spend his lunch period with her, a hilarious string of comments ensue.
When is 'Abbott Elementary' returning?
With the Christmas break having come to an end, Abbott Elementary will begin airing regularly. The next episode of Abbott Elementary, titled 'Wishlist', is set to air on 11 January 2022.