One of CBS' longest-running reality TV shows, Survivor, is returning with another challenging season and contestant James Jones believes that "making pizzas might just help him win". Jones claims that the "competition calls for me to be a good cook."
Survivor Season 43 is slated to premiere on the network this Wednesday, September 21, 2022.
With Jeff Probst leading the herd as host, Survivor Season 43 will follow 18 castaways as they participate in various tasks as part of their respective groups, over the journey of an epic 26-day adventure. Viewers will see participants from a variety of backgrounds given CBS' 2020 mandate requirement that at least 50% of every show's cast be persons of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC).
Here's everything one needs to know about contestant James Jones ahead of the grand premiere.
James Jones is a 37-year-old event planner from Philadelphia
James Jones, 37, an event planner from Philadelphia, who is one of the Survivor 43 contestants, is all set to play the field and win the title. According to Jones, the most reliable strategy to win the million dollars and the title entails embracing "more variables" and "more chaos."
Another useful strategy that Jones looks forward to implementing during his time on the show is, his ability to throw the perfect barbecue for his teammates:
"If need be, I could throw a good barbecue, make some pizzas. I feel like making it in the Survivor competition calls for me to be a good cook."
Jones has spent nearly 15 years working as a healthcare professional before coming to Survivor and is now, the owner of his own event planning business. He claims to have planned happy hours, brunches and different assorted events, adding he even threw a 'First Friday Happy Hour' for young Black professionals in the city before the COVID pandemic.
In an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer, James revealed that he has been watching the show since it first came out, stating:
"It’s like watching a poker game and I thought, 'I can do this.' I just wanted to have fun and have a cool experience — not to mention, win $1 million. I applied and was lucky enough to get chosen."
Jones also spoke of his engagements with different kinds of people from varying backgrounds he encountered, growing up in Philadelphia. He further added that he has traveled to SEPTA and to Masterman, and has the tenacity and commitment required. Aside from being an Eagles fan, he is also a die-hard Sixers devotee.
James Jones believes that it is all about "pushing it to the limit"
In a separate interview with Parade, James Jones asserted that he really wants to use his personal ability to communicate with people. He claimed that his ability to challenge himself mentally, physically, and emotionally is what makes him as good of a Survivor player as he thinks he is. He wishes to "really get this thing going and really be the best person I can be."
Speaking about what excites him the most about the "new era" of Survivor, James Jones told Parade explained:
"I look forward to using the twists and using what I know to make a difference and hopefully have moves that people will use in the future. I want to find idols, make fake idols. I want to make somebody think they have an advantage they don't have. I want to have somebody think they lost their vote when they have it."
Jones further added:
"If there's something that I can do with the tools I'm given, I want to try to push it to the limit. Because that's what life's about; that's what this game is about. It's about pushing it to the limit–your physical limits, your emotional limits, your spiritual limits–and coming out on top."
He informed that he divides his primary strategy into two questions:
"When do you take your shot? And when do you sit back and let other people make their mistakes?"
Jones continued, saying that Survivor and only time will tell whether or not he is accurate in his belief about his skill sets, which he is so sure of.
Don't miss the brand new season of Survivor, premiering this September 21, only on CBS.