Ada Twist, Scientist, the highly-motivating animated series based on Andrea Beaty and illustrator David Roberts' 2016 children's picture book and created by Chris Nee, is back with its second season on Netflix from January 25, 2022.
The animated series is produced by former US president Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama's production company Higher Ground Productions. This much-progressive and inclusive animated series revolves around a tiny super-curious and science enthusiast black girl who is always on a mission to find answers and solutions to any problem.
She has two equally curious best friends, Iggy and Rosie, always by her side on every quest. The series is refreshing and the perfect fit for the present-day curious young minds.
Ada Twist, Scientist Season 2: Major takeaways
A brilliantly refreshing representation of a young black girl
Undoubtedly, there is a massive lack of representation of young black girls in children's animated series. So bringing a show where the protagonist is a charming, kind, and brilliant little black girl who is a science enthusiast is refreshing and praiseworthy.
The creator of the series Ada Twist, Scientist Season 2 has made sure that Ada is portrayed in a way that opens the minds and the hearts of other young children.
The dynamic between Ada and her two best friends, Iggy and Rosie, is also quite positively noticeable. They are kind and compassionate towards each other, always standing by one another and helping whenever needed. Especially in Season 2, they give each other valuable lessons and teach new things.
For instance, there is an episode when Rosie wanted to become a Karate master and break a piece of wood and was rushing to get strong muscles. In that, Ada and Iggy were trying to understand that it would take time and that she could surely achieve it but only through long practice and proper training.
2) The importance of teamwork
Ada is never alone in her quests. She always has Rosie and Iggy on every curiosity adventure. Viewers can see all three of them positively contributing to solving any problem. They all have their unique qualities, which makes each of them so special.
They are strong-minded, confident, feisty, enthusiastic, and most importantly, experts in doing scientific experiments and finding solutions, giving young viewers friendship goals and further establishing the significance of teamwork.
The brainstorming method is highly encouraged in Season 2 of the series Ada Twist, Scientist. The series also teaches viewers to think differently and embrace each person's uniqueness through the voice of Ada and her two best friends.
Therefore, the show can spread progressive and positive thinking among young minds.
Ada Twist, Scientist Season 2 is a must-watch for young, curious minds. It is streaming on Netflix from this January 25, 2022.