The fourth episode of The Real Housewives of Miami (RHOM) aired on Bravo on Tuesday, April 26. The latest installment brought in a lot of drama as Guerdy Abraira and Adriana de Moura locked horns.
Abraira visited Julia Lemigova’s farm house to help the hostess plan an event for her birthday. Adriana de Moura was also in presence during the party planning discussion. After Lemigova gave Abraira a house tour, they shared their sorrows how both of them lost their babies.
Lemigova’s BFF de Moura comforted both the ladies, however, was annoyed at Abraira.
In a confessional, de Moura said that Abraira made everything about herself while it was Lemigova’s moment.
This was just the beginning of a fallout between the two housewives.
Fans react to Adriana de Moura and Guerdy Abraira’s drama
On the day of Lemigova’s party, Adriana de Moura criticized Guerdy Abraira’s work from the start of the day. She didn’t like the bar decor or sitting arrangements and complained about everything. Abraira, on the other hand, tried to snitch on Lemigova and de Moura to the former’s wife Martina Navratilova, the legendary tennis player.
Navratilova was then seen taking a dig at de Moura the entire evening. From the foot massage drama to taking Abraira’s side, Navratilova snapped at de Moura at her wife’s birthday party.
While viewers lauded Navratilova, they were annoyed at de Moura and Abraira. Some thought the former was insensitive and cringy in episode 4, while some fans called out Abraira for being dramatic.
Take a look at fans’ reaction here:
All about RHOM episode 4
The latest episode of RHOM was dramatic and entertaining. Most of the segments happened at Julia Lemigova’s house where she organized her birthday party with Tulum as the theme.
In the latest episode, she was also seen sharing her past sorrows and showing off her Russian way of ending fights with kisses.
Titled It's Your Party and I'll Cry if I Want To, the official synopsis of RHOM episode 4 reads:
“Julia and Guerdy share shocking revelations about their past; Larsa goes house hunting; Adriana receives a foot massage that rubs Martina the wrong way; the ladies celebrate Julia's birthday, but Adriana and Guerdy come to blows.”
The episode also featured Alexia Echevarria closing late ex-husband Herman Echevarria’s chapter after having a conversation with his alleged partner. Nicole Martin was seen discussing with her mother about meeting her estranged father.
During the feud between Adriana de Moura and Guerdy Abraira, Alexia was seen taking de Moura’s side, while Lisa Hochstein and Martin comforted Abraira. The drama is set to continue in the upcoming episode.
RHOM season 4 initially aired on Peacock, but now it has returned to its home network Bravo. Episode 5 will air Tuesday, May 3 at 9.30 PM ET on Bravo.