Against the Ice is a gripping survival movie that was recently launched on Netflix on March 2, 2022. Directed by Danish director Peter Flinth and written by Game of Thrones alumni Nikolaj Coster-Waldau along with Joe Derrick, the movie centers around the 1910 Danish expedition led by Captain Ejnar Mikkelsen and his inexperienced partner, Iver Iversen.
The movie is inspired by a real-life survival story and has been gleaned from a book called Two Against the Ice written by the great Captain Ejnar Mikkelsen himself. The movie stars Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Captain Mikkelsen and Peaky Blinders actor Joe Cole as Iver Iversen.
The ending of 'Against the Ice' explained
Let's dig deep and see how the ending of the movie is unveiled.
Do Captain Mikkelsen and his partner Iversen find the cairn Mylius-Erichsen erected?
Leaving the ship and all the crew members berthed on the shore, Captain Ejnar Mikkelsen and the ship’s mechanic Iver Iverson, set out to cover hundreds of miles of snowbound ground, entailing rivers filled with ice floes. Iverson has no experience in the Arctic and is the only man who volunteered for the highly dangerous expedition.
The challenges they came across along the way, including snowstorms, accidents, internal conflicts and polar bear attacks, made it look like an impossible task to reach their destination, the cairn, erected by Mylius Erichsen. But against all odds, the two successfully reached their destination and retrieved significant evidence, by only depending on their extraordinary physical and mental resilience.
Do they make it back to Alabama?
The captain and his partner Iversen lost a lot during their journey through the Netflix movie Against the Ice, which was gleaned from a true story. But with their unbreakable physical and mental spirit, they were able to return to Alabama. However, from there, their true challenges began as they were left alone by the rest of the crew. They were left with a small cabin constructed from timbers consisting of only enough provisions to last for about a year.
So their thrilling journey reached a jarring halt as they waited for being rescued. During this period of time, bad luck engulfed them due to Captain Mikkelsen’s failure to leave a note behind.
Do they get rescued and brought to the mainland?
During their all-isolated stay, for the last time, their hut was attacked by a polar bear. At the time, it seemed like everything was doomed for them as they did not even have rifles with them. But at the very end they were saved by a rescue team, specially sent for them, and were safely brought back to the mainland to be honored.
It is quite evident that the movie, Against the Ice, is an inspiring depiction of a true survival story in the hardest and most formidable atmosphere. The movie, without a shred of doubt, successfully captures all the struggles and the successes of the the Captain and his partner Iversen in a thoughtfully crafted manner.
Against the Ice started streaming on Netflix from March 2, 2022.