Season 4 of the famous Japanese comedy animated series Aggretsuko released on December 16, 2021 on Netflix. The fourth season follows Retsuko's uncertain relationship with Haida and changes at her workplace. The series, featuring anthropomorphic animals as employees in a deadbeat office, has garnered a lot of positive ratings from the audience.
Created by Rarecho, Aggretsuko has been voiced by Kaolip, Shingo Kato, Souta Arai, Chiharu Sasa and others in Japanese, and by Erica Mendez, Ben Diskin, Josh Petersdorf, Griffin Burns and others in English. The fourth installment of the anime brings new challenges for Retsuko, who shares the centerstage with Haida this season.
'Aggretsuko' season 4: Will they, won't they?
Season 4 of Aggretsuko opens with Haida making good on his promise to keep Retsuko safe. But when she invites him into her house, as a gesture of reciprocating his feelings, he freezes and bails. That's how it remains for the rest of the season wherein Haida is unable to ask Retsuko out because he thinks she is way out of his league.
Aggretsuko also features a new CEO, Himuro, at Retsuko's workplace. The new regime brings about plenty of transformations to the workplace. Haida becomes subservient to Himuro, as he believes Himuro is the only one who values and appreciates him. Otherwise he was just another face in the crowd. However, Haida gets sucked in deep and becomes an accomplice to Himuro's window dressing maneuver.
Watch Aggretsuko season 4 to find out how Retsuko faces these challenges and whether Haida manages to come out of the friend-zone or not.
Will there be a fifth season?
While there has been no such announcement from Netflix, a fifth season for Aggretsuko seems likely purely based on the events of season 4.
In season 4, Hyodo makes an appearance towards the end and Retsuko enlists his help in exchange for a collaboration with him. Fans can expect this deal between Retsuko and Hyodo to come to fruition in the fifth season. Besides, Haida and Retsuko's relationship still did not reach a definitive conclusion, so it remains to be seen where they end up.
Aggretsuko has been running successfully so far and amassing mostly positive ratings and reviews. The show's popularity has also increased its chances of renewal. Moreover, the original Japanese television series had 100 episodes and so far the English dub on Netflix has only had 40.
It remains to be seen if or when Netflix will renew the series for another season, but if it does come back, Aggretsuko season 5 will likely be released towards the end of 2022. So far, the seasons have been released at intervals one year, more or less. Season 1 came out in April 2018, season 2 in June 2019, season 3 in August 2020, and now season 4 in December 2021.