AGT: Fantasy League premiered its Semi-Finals 1 in episode 5, released on Monday, January 29, exclusively on NBC. The America’s Got Talent spin-off show, hosted by Terry Crews, brings back judges Simon Cowell, Heidi Klum, Howie Mandel, and Mel B, drafting their dream team of past contestants each passing week.
The judges compete against each other and provide mentorship to their teams as America votes for the best acts. In a surprising twist, the judges have the option of stealing performers from other teams using the Golden Buzzer, thereby also sending the participants to the finals.
In the previous four rounds of Qualifiers, each week a set of 10 AGT alums took the main stage of which five made it to the next round based on audience vote.
In Semi-Finals 1 of AGT: Fantasy League, 10 acts were narrowed down to three; two of them received golden buzzers and advanced to the finals, joined by a third chosen by the audience votes.
The champion of America’s Got Talent: Fantasy League will take home a grand prize of $250,000.
What happened on AGT: Fantasy League episode 5?
Host Terry Crews kick-started episode 5 by explaining only three performers from Monday’s night 10 acts will make it to the finals of AGT: Fantasy League. Judges Howie and Mel had control over the Golden Buzzer, which meant they could choose to advance their own team’s act or steal one from another’s dream team.
First performer, Kristy Sellars, dedicated her dance act to her son, leaving judges mesmerised. Heidi and Simon said her routine was “perfection”, Mel complimented her “precision”, and her mentor Howie requested the audience to vote for her.
Second act brought Loren Allred from Simon’s team to the stage, performing on Somewhere Over The Rainbow. All the judges praised her vocals and wished her luck.
Third performance from AGT: All-Stars champion Aidan Bryant, a member of Heidi’s team, won a Golden Buzzer from Mel. Heidi broke into tears after losing one of her favorite team members.
The next act also came from Heidi’s team, a singing act by musician Enkh-Erdene. He left behind his country roots and rendered a classic ballad Always on My Mind in front of the judges, earning negative critiques from the judges.
Simon felt the track wasn’t “exciting enough”, while Howie pointed out the performance wasn’t a stand-out to win the final prize. Additionally, Mel advised him to stick to what he knows best.
When magician Ana DeGuzman was called onto the stage, she asked judges Howie and Mel to assist during her act. When Mel kept forgetting some basics, Ana joked “It’s okay, she’s pretty.” This drew criticism from judge Heidi in Mel’s defence but the audience booed the former. Meanwhile, Simon and Howie supported Ana, highlighting she was kidding.
The next in line were the Vardanyan Brothers, who returned with the baggage of negative remarks that judge Simon had highlighted the last time they performed on stage. This time around, the participants successfully balanced themselves on the edge of the knives, which went down as one of the greatest tricks to feature in AGT’s history.
Seventh act was Mel’s team members, Ghetto Kids, who danced to their original song and ended their routine with a group selfie with the judges.
Following suit came the entry of two-time winner Kodi Lee, who once again sang an original number “Journey of You and I” dedicated to his mom.
All the judges were mesmerized, so much so that Howie decided to steal him from Simon’s team by pressing the Golden Buzzer and directly sending him to the finals of AGT: Fantasy League.
The second-last act of the night was from comedian Preacher Lawson, who left Mel “smiling and laughing hysterically.” Simon deemed him “brilliant” while other judges praised him.
The final act was from team Simon’s member Pack Drumline, who ended up receiving a standing ovation from him. Mel said if it weren’t for timing issues they would’ve gotten a Golden buzzer from her.
Aidan Bryant and Kodi Lee already advanced to AGT: Fantasy League finals with the Golden Buzzer, which meant only one of the remaining eight acts would move ahead in the competition.
Pack Drumline, Vardanyan Brothers and Loren Allred were the top three acts according to the audience, with Pack Drumline receiving the most votes and being the only one to advance to the finals of AGT: Fantasy League.
The Semi-Finals 2 of AGT: Fantasy League will be held in episode 5, set to release on Monday, February 5, at 8 pm ET on NBC.