Hayden Christensen's comeback in the Disney+ Ahsoka has received a great deal of praise, despite initial backlash over his portrayal of Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Christensen gives a complex, poignant portrayal of Anakin in Ahsoka that sheds fresh light on the character, gaining critical praise and serving as one of the show's high points.

One of the most amazing aspects of Christensen's performance in Ahsoka is the way he connects with Anakin's inner battle. Anakin has always been a complicated figure who struggles between the Force's light and dark sides. Christensen's portrayal of this battle wonderfully conveys the aspect that came across as shallow in his previous portrayals.
How does Ahsoka rectify Anakin's character from past portrayals?
In Ahsoka, Anakin is shown as a Force ghost who appears to his former pupil, after the events of the prequel trilogy. The series is able to examine Anakin's character in a fresh way thanks to this creative storytelling tactic, and it also gives Christensen the chance to make up for his prequel performance.

Character development is one of the most notable aspects the prequel trilogy lacks. The story of Anakin Skywalker's conversion to the dark side is meant to be sad and dramatic, yet it happens too fast and with insufficient justification. Anakin is never completely characterized enough for us to relate to his decision to join the dark side.
The Disney+ show rectifies this by portraying Anakin's human side beautifully, in contrast to the prequels' gloomy and turbulent characterization. Anakin is shown throughout the episodes to be capable of love, compassion, and comedy in addition to his inner turmoil. The portrayal of Anakin's connection with Ahsoka, properly conveys that he loves her like a daughter, and Christensen perfectly captures this love in his performance.
Ahsoka also gives more attention to Anakin's inner struggle than the prequels did. The series indicates that Anakin strove to reject the dark side until the very end, as opposed to showing his descent into the dark side as inevitable.

In one of the scenes, Anakin informs his former pupil that his conversion to the dark side is "more than who he is.” This idea demonstrates Anakin's inherent goodness, even after he transforms into Darth Vader. It's difficult not to believe Christensen because of the conviction with which he delivers the dialogue.
Hayden Christensen's portrayal of Anakin in the Disney+ series has been praised by critics as one of his strongest roles to date by providing a fresh and nuanced viewpoint on Anakin Skywalker, he demonstrates that he is a gifted actor who merits greater recognition.
Christensen expertly conveys Anakin's suffering, grief, and internal strife while still emphasizing the kindness that still exists inside him.
"Christensen's performance is a redemption for his performance in the prequels. He shows that he is a talented actor who can deliver a nuanced and moving performance." - Collider
Any fan of Star Wars must watch Hayden Christensen's portrayal of Anakin in the show, as it exhibits his enormous acting skills and offers a new viewpoint on one of the most well-known characters in the franchise.

Anakin Skywalker has been given a new life in the Disney+ series Ahsoka, which has made his character more multifaceted and shown that he has the ability for both good and evil. Christensen's depiction justifies the character in this series, which has also cemented his standing as a talented and deserved actor in the Star Wars world.